Great Falls, Montana - what to do there?


Mar 6, 2015
Mississippi & Texas
Hey guys,

I'm gonna be working in Great Falls for a few months, from mid June through September or later. I'm interested in anything I can find to do outdoors. I have spent some time in Montana but not in this general area. I'm hoping to find some fishing and whatever else I can get into.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not much help, but spent a few days there in March. Nice paved trail on each side of the river for running. Go by Double Barrel Coffee, great food and good people.
Fishing on the Missouri. Hiking in the Highwoods and Little Belts. Breweries. Museums. Rivers Edge Trail. White Sulphur Springs.

And wind. Lots of it. All a man could ever ask for and more. Keeps the air fresh, though.
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Duh, see the falls ;). Seriously though, you aren't that far from Glacier, so go see it. If you arrive before 6AM, you can go without a reservation. The East side doesn't require a reservation. If you haven't seen Yellowstone, go there or fish the Madison.
Fishing on the Missouri west of Great Falls. Hiking/fishing Sluice box state park, little belts, highwoods, and the As suggested above, visit Glacier NP.
Thanks guys, I spent a little time seeing Yellowstone while working near Billings in 2020.
The falls and museums are certainly interesting. I’ve neglected to visit it during hunting trips that took me near it but Glacier is definitely at the top of my list.
CM Russel Museum and Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. Haven't been to either in years but they exceeded expectations when I went.

Ft. Benton's pretty cool. It's where steam boats used to stop and unload and there may be some parks/history to check out. Been a long time!

Definitely spend time along the Missouri, fish Holter. If someone's into real hunting/outdoor lifestyle, vs cool/trendy mountain town, Great Falls is totally underrated.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Great Falls because I used to live in Craig, MT.

I think everyone has mentioned most of what’s entertaining in Great Flaws, and agree with MT Al about a visit to Fort Benton.

I’d recommend a short drive down to Virgelle and to take the ferry across the river. You have to ring the buzzer for the gal to come out of the trailer on the opposite side so she can run the ferry over to you. It’s free and I’m not sure of how many other ferries like it exist anywhere else in the US.

After you do that, drive up to Fort Benton and have a beer while sitting on the pedestrian bridge over the Missouri. Then have dinner at the Grand Union Hotel. Also, pay your respects to Shep at his memorial, too (
Sip and Dip for sure :)

CM Russell museum for sure

Borries or 3D in Black Eagle to eat

hit the East Front to hike
I used to live in Fort Benton. Its a cool place to stop in a see. Good bowfishing for carp up that way. You can always take a trip down the Missouri with missouri river outfitters. Cool seeing the breaks that way. The interpretive center in GF is killer. CM Russel Museum. Fishing creeks over by Belt. Hiking Square Butte and heading over to fish by Lewistown is super fun too. If you can get a hold of a rimfire the gophers, rabbits, porcupines, coons and squirrels are plentiful and free to shoot. You're close to Helena. Good fishing in Wolf Creek. The Highwoods are cool to hike as well.
Pack your shotgun. With some scouting you should be able to get into some sharp tails and Huns in September .