GPO spectra 7.5x50i fixed power?


Feb 14, 2025
Hello, I’m new to the forum, thanks for having me! I hunt mostly western North Carolina woods, with shots from 25 to 150 yards, I was looking for a new scope and was wondering if the fixed 7.5 power gpo spectra would be to much magnification for the closer shots. Thanks!
For a long time I thought 6x would be too much, but that was proven wrong. Turns out it works just fine. I’ve now have a number of 6x scopes. I can’t imagine another 1.5x would change the equation significantly.
I don’t know anything about the brand, but on paper it looks like a nice scope.
If you currently own a variable scope you can set the magnification to produce an equivalent field of view. Take it outside and see if you can fit something deer sized in it. Then consider how that might look if the thing was trotting after a doe.

Most people wouldn't like it. For the money you can get a used example from a brand actually made in Germany; not China like GPO.