Good Turkey Vest That's Hydration Compatible


Apr 20, 2019
Anybody have a good turkey vest they can recommend that's also hydration compatible? Curious to see what everybody else is using.
I used the Knight and hale run n gun last season and was pretty happy with it.
Good question. Nalgene bottle in the back has always worked for me, but I will be watching for replies even though I swear that one day I’m ditching the turkey vest for a backpack and fanny pack setup.

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I have the Cabelas Tactical Tat'r 2 that I have zip tied a hydration pouch to the handle/coat hanger in the vest and allow the bladder to hang in the pack pouch. Works well.
I have the Cabelas Tactical Tat'r 2 that I have zip tied a hydration pouch to the handle/coat hanger in the vest and allow the bladder to hang in the pack pouch. Works well.
That is the vest I use as well. Would love to rig it so I could carry a hydration bladder. Can you send me pics of how you did it? Thanks
I have a Tenzing TV14 that is supposed to be bladder compatible and there is a place to put one but there is not a hanger in the pocket on mine. Had to use a big bobby pin. It works though.