Again, I’m not trying to attack anyone’s use of gear, it’s just that that particular holster has been singled out for causing more negligent discharges and is basically universally banned in competition and by pistol trainers by the INCREASED likely hood of a problem.
Three Reasons Not to Use the Blackhawk Serpa Holster | WeaponsMan
That explains it pretty well and includes a YouTube video of a guy shooting himself in the leg..... the problem in basic terms is your pressing your trigger finger down while drawing the pistol. Once the pistol clears the holster IF you’re in a hurry, generally speaking your trigger finger is still pressing down and finds itself on the trigger. As I️ said I’m not attacking anyone’s gear choices just want those who are looking to use these to train and be aware of the possibility. Please do not take my post as an assault to anyone’s gear choices. I️ would just hate to see a bear attack compounded by a bullet hole in the leg (makes it hard to outrun your buddy.... or so the joke goes).
SERPA Holsters Should Be Discontinued - The Truth About Guns
Guns & Ammo Editor Nearly Shoots Himself Proving That Serpa Holsters Suck.
The SERPA Sucks, And That's Just All There Is To Say About It
Just please be careful and fully understand your equipment. Again not to be preachy but range shooting and and high stress (be it competition or life and death are simply different). Good luck be safe
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