Going on an unexpected safari

If you don't plan on going back to Africa and this is once in a lifetime hunt for you, bring your credit card with the highest limit possible and take as many animals as you can or can't really afford.
Fantastic advise from all above. You will shoot a lot more than 3 animals, likely to kill those in 1 day. Prepare for the extra $, it’s worth it. Prepare for cold rides in the morning. Gloves, sweater (wind resistant). I’ve spent roughly 45 days hunting in different countries in Africa, always worn light weight wool socks. From heat of desert of Namibia to frosty (30 degrees)low lands of Zambia in June.

The dollar goes a long ways in SA. Beer is great. Anticipate English flair of cuisine, lots of game meat.

If you can, enter with eyes and heart wide open for the native people. It will be eye opening from time you set foot on SA. Shoot Striaght, get up early, enjoy the sounds and smells.

Also learn your animals so you can make judgment on trophy quality. PH will likely not lead you wrong, but make sure you have realistic expectations for what will make you happy. You will kill everyone animal you set out to, not like hoping to shoot a whitetail. You can pass on bucks/bulls looking for what you like.

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Went over to Africa for 21 days and it was a experience of a lifetime. Hopefully the jet lag won't hit you like it hit me. Be prepared to not want to come home. The wildlife over there is amazing and so are the people!

I've only hunted Namibia do my experiences with terrain & critters probably won't mirror yours, but all the advice given so far is great.
Buy a copy of the field guide above. African game's vials are located differently to American game & from my understanding, that trips up a lot of folk.
Take a good camera. You'll want to take a ton of pictures. Take a note book or voice recorder, you'll be amazed how many encounters & experiences you'll forget.
Take plenty of tips for the skinners, cooks & cleaners. They really WILL appreciate a $20 tip at the end of the week. The PHs will expect significantly more!
Haha and why is that I’ve never even seen a bird like that before

It's called a Go Away bird. Literally every creature in the Bush uses them as a warning signal/lookout. If you hear one, every critter in a square mile will go on super high alert.
And the shitting things will follow you....

Speaking of bird hunting.....if you get a chance to go out with a shotgun for a day, Francolin & Sand Grouse are a ton of fun to jump shoot. Usually under $100 for a spectacular day's hunting too.
Looking at the list I am thinking of what species is difficult to find elsewhere. Definitely shoot nyala. I would do bushbuck as well. Both endemic to the region.. The sable price for 40” amd under is fair, so that would be good, as they are often difficu to find on a safari. Tsessebe are only naturally found in countries north of you, so pretty hard to come by. Black wildebeest are less common as well. Giraffe is always dun as I like hunting big things. Killed my firstwith a 300 win mag 165 gr barnes X. Just my 2 cents based on probably 20 trips hunting there. You will go back so that is why I am breaking out a i als that may be diffto fond elsewhere. You may find yourself wanting to get to great wide open country that is free range, so het what you can here
Those Grey Go Away birds have ruined many a stalk for me. But they have let me know a few times about something that was possibly stalking me. So i guess for me we're even!

Another animal that will raise holy hell if they see you are baboons. Most baboons in hunting areas have been shot at before and they are smart enough that they recognize a long gun and will make a lot of noise if they see a rifle whereas they don't make a big deal when they see villagers, bird watchers, etc. Baboons and hyenas are viewed with lots of suspicion by the locals and many places will beg you to shoot them as they are associated with witchcraft. Even your white South Africans that don't believe in muti (magic) try to keep the baboons on their toes as they can become downright dangerous when they lose their fear of men. A big male baboon is a formidable adversary and every year that region sees several children that are killed by baboons. But it will be harder to bring baboon trophies back to the U.S.

The attached photos were taken a few miles north of where you will be hunting. This was a hunt with my son in the open range brush country at the foot of the Lebombo mountains. The vegetation is still very similar to where you will be unless they have you hunting over improved pasture. The photos were taken in August so that is during their winter (cool dry season). So if you go before April it will be a lot greener and warmer.


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One more thing, i would never travel to south africa without using a rifle service. I book my flights with gracey travel out of tx. The will get all of your rifle permits done in advance, this will sace you some time amd headache in airport. They have a service where they meet yiu at the plane and walk you thru everything and same on way out of country. You dont need these guys if things go right, it is just a convenience then. But if things go wrong, they are invaluable. Rifle permits is another company that can do this for you