Goats in Jasper?


Dec 20, 2013
South Island New Zealand
Hey guys
Im going to be in Jasper next week for a coupla days with my missus and was wondering if there are any locations nearby where we could see goats?
We are coming straight form NZ so have never seen a real goat before and it be pretty awesome if we could see on there.
Or am I dreaming to see one close to the town?
P.S we have binos and spotters and are fit as goats haha

Hey JP100,

I was in Jasper a few years ago and saw a heap of elk just cruising around not far out of town. Also go for a drive round the golf courses early morning or on dusk. There was also tonnes of Canada geese.

Heading out there next week, hoping the forest fires subside!!
Will likely check out that goat lick if we get chance
Go to the hot springs, you'll be able to have a good soak and watch goats from the pool. Lots of elk and bighorns right in jasper as well.if you have time, drive down to the cadomin mine. Tons of huge sheep down there right on the road and mine.
Todd, that's good news!
GF is looking forward to the hot springs and I want to see goats, might work out well.
Have a good trip JP hope the sightings work out!
We have seen a couple of goats just as we entered the park by the road side and a mob of sheep on the road. alot of bears and elk around the town but no goats near the town. pretty cool spot though