Goat Knives ghosting me?

I don't know that the OP is upset by the fact that the knife hasn't shipped but maybe is more concerned that it hasn't shipped coupled with the fact that he has reached out to the company multiple times with no response.

I find it hard to believe that anyone could say that wouldn't raise concerns or suspicions.
Hey thanks, that's kinda how I feel about it.
Where’s the tiny violin emoji when we need it?!? @Jskaanland
I think goat knives is a merchant, not a Rokslide member… not much I can do unless you really over estimate the power I wield over the internet and society as a whole.

Edit: after a brief message with @svivian, I now understand his request not to fix the situation but allow for visual discourse on Rokslide, in the form of emojis… that I can do.
This thread would have a totally different tone if OP had simply said "just wanted to warn you guys" rather than going "tHaTs NoT aN eXcUsE" and taking such a hostile tone in general when he was provided possible reasoning for what he's experiencing. We didn't take his money or ghost him, he's getting tons of attention from us. That said...

I run a small business, I’ve answered phone calls in a whisper while hunting. If Im out of service my wife gets the calls… it’s not hard to schedule this out, I understand your frustration with the lack of response.
Thanks, and agreed, I shuttered a small business and pursued a different career when I realized it wasn't compatible with the othe ways I wanted to spend my time.
Never heard of Goat knives til this post. Looks nice. I could not find any info on who's blades they are using?
Hey thanks, that's kinda how I feel about it.
Google search Travis Nowotny (owner of Goat Knives) and reach out to him on one of his social media platforms. Sucks that there isn't a public phone number but I'm sure with a little googlefu you could come up with his personal phone number and address if you really want to make contact.

That would bring a whole new fear to the outdoors! Imagine if you will, walking a cross a scree field and have a band of goats bounce into view all with knives in their mouths. Do you run, do you hide, do you start shooting? What to do!?!

Goat knives hasn't made a post on FB in almost 4 years. Businesses fail ... this is probably one of them. We'll see.
They are being sold in multiple outdoor outlets. I'd say that they got locked out of an account. The guys personal account is active and shows the knives being used. You can buy them at Scheels, Go Hunt, Sportsmans Warehouse and others. I'd venture to say that the guy is busy (looks like he killed a huge velvet muley buck a couple weeks age) and forgot to turn ordering off on the website or something similar. Who knows. 🤷

If you have a Sportsman's Warehouse near you, they might have the Capra Ti on clearance, I know mine does. Maybe you can dispute the charge and still pick one up locally, or have SW ship for less that direct? No communication for 3 weeks is insane and I'd chargeback without a second thought. Sportsmans
You just defending the garbage practices of your buddy's business bud? The point, bud, was to relay the very poor cs experience, as is often done on this site, and to get any knowledgable input...which I got in one comment above, followed by confusing white knight defenses of the indefensible lateness and lack of communication. Thanks for hearing me out bud.

I don't know that dude.
I'm not defending his CS practices.
Im calling you out.
What you dont have another knife? Is not having that knife gonna break a hunt for you?
Your being ridiculous and you know it. You came on here just to shittalk someone.