Go hunt backpack stress test

If anyone watched any of their other stress test videos you would notice they dont really test gear in ways that you would actually use it. As in spiking a tripod off a 35 ft roof, or hanging 130 lbs off a trekking pole. They simply just try to break shit, and see what holds up the longest. Same as the packs.
So the first thing I do when I get a new pack is put a big chaw in, gain 100lbs, put ma cinch and 13mwz's on, and then stand on my pack and attempt to tear it apart. What do you guys do? Throw it off a cliff with all your rubber weenies loaded up?

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If anyone watched any of their other stress test videos you would notice they dont really test gear in ways that you would actually use it. As in spiking a tripod off a 35 ft roof, or hanging 130 lbs off a trekking pole. They simply just try to break shit, and see what holds up the longest. Same as the packs.
I watched the other videos too. The difference is that the tripods and trekking poles were all treated the same, same height of drop, same weight, etc. This pack test it just seemed blatantly biased to me in how they treated the SG and MR vs the others. I thought the other videos were great (for entertainment) , this one just seemed like advertising to me.

And for the record, I definitely think SG and MR are without a doubt the best packs of that group and the pack brand I use wasn't in the group.

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These types of threads are what make the internet great..some enjoyed it, some hated it and we knew full well that would be the case and that's ok. I really just wanted to chime in with a couple points, firstly..to those that suggest that we went easier on the MR, you can derive whatever conclusion you want but having been there and also tried to tear that pack apart I can tell you that I was shocked at how well it held up. You don't have to believe me and I'll sleep just fine tonight, but that MR pack is very well built. Secondly, we didn't test the other big names out there in packs but we'd like to and perhaps we will in a second test. Like alot of you, I've owned those too and I'd expect the big names to hold up well. Thirdly, to those that are saying it felt like a commercial, I get it...but consider this...we sell MR and SG because we believe they are quality packs which has always been our MO. Did we think that they would preform better than the others we stressed? Indeed we did..that's why we carry them and that's the point right. If you are going to spend good money on a pack, perhaps get one that gives you good durability and quality for your money. I stated in the end of that clip, what we did was not an accurate representation of what a hunter might put a pack through. Then again how relevant is a cliff test or asking random people about comfortable any given pack is? There is alot of subjectivity in peoples opinions of a pack, but I'm betting most would say they want a sturdy frame and material and stitching that holds together. Anyway, glad some liked it and got some value in it. All the best to you all this fall!
Thanks Trail for taking the time to respond. I think the internet has a way of adding emotion to statements that are really benign. I think most guys on here were interested in critiquing the stress test for the hell of it, but at the end of the day realized it was a pretty non-scientific test done by a bunch of guys that are just like most of us on here. I seriously doubt many guys had issue with it, I know I didn't. I do think a few others went a bit far, talking about not patronizing gohunt because of this? I mean come on guys were you really that offended by this? how could that have possibly influenced your opinion about a company that mainly is in the business of helping hunters find hunting opportunities?
@mproberts, no worries..I certainly wasn't offended by some of the posts. My dad always use to tell me, those who take offense when none is intended is a fool and those who take offense when it is intended is an even bigger fool. We know it wasn't going to make sense to everyone. If it offended anyone to the point that they will not consider us in the future, that certainly was not our intent and it's unfortunate but that's their prerogative too. Ultimately, we are just like most of you on this forum, we love to hunt, we love the outdoors, we want more people to find additional hunting opportunities, and we want sell gear that we believe provides good value and functionality for people. Anyway, feel free to carry on....with any type of feedback :)
what's a meat shelf?....i got one in my fridge

by the way, EXO doesn't have an actual "meat shelf". 2 straps holding the bottom of the bag at your desired distance away from the frame does not constitute a shelf, merly a place create a wedge shaped compartment so things won't slide out
According to EXO it does...

"3500 – 7000 ci *(3500 ci bag and lid, 700 ci exterior pockets, 2500 ci load shelf area)"
K2 3500 Backpack – Exo Mountain Gear

And they also did sell a product named the "meat shelf", seen here
Exo Mountain Gear Backpack Accessories (2015) - YouTube
How to attach the Meat Shelf and Load Panel – Exo Mountain Gear

Yep, it's not part of the bag. It's a seperate item. The EXOs I had did not have a "meat shelf" built into the bag. Any system that allows a person to seperate bag from frame and load items in between the two can haul meat. There is a difference between that type of so called meat shelf system and a physical meat shelf like some Kifaru and Mystery Ranch bags. Just stating that for guys who are in the market for a bag that has an acutal meat shelf vs a system where the bag seperates from the frame allowing you to wedge meat in.
I don't own a v90 (or any of the others in the "test", no dog in this fight. There are definitely some legitimate critiqes of eberlestock packs, but I don't think poor construction/durability is one. An f1 mainframe would be more apples to apples, but it wouldn't have been very dramatic even with the man bear they had.

V90 Battleship Stress Test - YouTube