These types of threads are what make the internet great..some enjoyed it, some hated it and we knew full well that would be the case and that's ok. I really just wanted to chime in with a couple points, those that suggest that we went easier on the MR, you can derive whatever conclusion you want but having been there and also tried to tear that pack apart I can tell you that I was shocked at how well it held up. You don't have to believe me and I'll sleep just fine tonight, but that MR pack is very well built. Secondly, we didn't test the other big names out there in packs but we'd like to and perhaps we will in a second test. Like alot of you, I've owned those too and I'd expect the big names to hold up well. Thirdly, to those that are saying it felt like a commercial, I get it...but consider this...we sell MR and SG because we believe they are quality packs which has always been our MO. Did we think that they would preform better than the others we stressed? Indeed we did..that's why we carry them and that's the point right. If you are going to spend good money on a pack, perhaps get one that gives you good durability and quality for your money. I stated in the end of that clip, what we did was not an accurate representation of what a hunter might put a pack through. Then again how relevant is a cliff test or asking random people about comfortable any given pack is? There is alot of subjectivity in peoples opinions of a pack, but I'm betting most would say they want a sturdy frame and material and stitching that holds together. Anyway, glad some liked it and got some value in it. All the best to you all this fall!