Glass Comparison: Leupold VX6-HD/Nightforce NX8


Dec 14, 2018
I cant get my hands on a NX8 without buying one online. Does anyone have knowledge with both of these that can share some insight on the glass and how it compares to the VX6-HD? Clarity, Brightness, etc etc?

I’ve had both. I still have the NX8. I will admit that the glass in the VX-6HD is better (to my eyes) than the NX8. I listened too much to the forum and was too anxious about reliability with the Leupold, so I sold it with my Fierce 300 PRC. That was a hell of a setup.

The NX8 is more than adequate and has a great reputation for reliability. The NX8 will feel less like a hunting scope and more like a tactical scope.


I have both. Leupold glass is noticeably better - and everyone I’ve had look thru both immediately notices the leupold being clearer.

Windage dial on my nx8 broke 3rd time I ever adjusted it - although they did fix it free of charge - so I am impressed with their CS.
Leupold glass is for sure better to my eye as well. FWIW, Nightforce's glass is Meh compared to most comparable price wise. I still like my Nightforce scopes, but their glass isn't amazing.
I’ve used both. Glass seems a little better in the VX6, but I believe not enough to matter between the 2.
I just sold my VX6, to purchase my NX8. I do feel like the VX6 had a little better image…but I’m still very happy with the image through the NX8. The Leupold seemed a little brighter to me
I have both. Leupold glass is noticeably better - and everyone I’ve had look thru both immediately notices the leupold being clearer.

Windage dial on my nx8 broke 3rd time I ever adjusted it - although they did fix it free of charge - so I am impressed with their CS.
As in broke off or didn’t operate correctly?
Do you want pretty glass or a durable scope. That’s what it boils down to. Whichever you prioritize will dictate which you should buy.

FWIW, I own the NX8 and the glass is perfectly fine for whatever any hunter may use it for. I would not put a Leopold on my rifle if someone gave me one for free. My hunting time is too valuable.
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Do you want pretty glass or a durable scope. That’s what it boils down to. Whichever you prioritize will dictate which you should buy.

FWIW, I own the NX8 and the glass is perfectly fine for whatever any hunter may use it for. I would not put a Leopold on my rifle if someone gave me one for free. My hunting time is too valuable.
Most certainly durable.