Getting out of California

Be sure to consider QUALITY dental and medical care that takes your insurance. We moved to a smaller mtn community of 5000 and it is a real challenge, even in the much larger communities within an hour or two drive from us.
My own observation is that native Californians have a tough time living outside of California. Throw in five Montana winters, and 50%+ are gone. That's something to consider. Winters are LONG here, but it helps keep out the riff-raff. When I came to Montana 30 years ago I drove the entire Western half of the state, looking at places to live, from Whitefish to Missoula, Dillon to Helena. I settled on Bozeman - no regrets. My advice for moving anywhere is DO NOT buy until you've lived in the area for a year (wherever you land).

Best wishes!
Here. Let me clear this up.

Born and raised in the Central Valley of California. Farmed my entire life. Newsom and pelosi are two of the worst human beings walking the face of this earth. I am wanting to relocate so my kids can have a respectful upbringing and not see constant homeless, graffiti, theft and crime or go to schools with scantily dressed students. All the other benefits of living out of state are just perks.
. There are problems everywhere but impossible to the scale of this state because the dems are literally catering to the above mentioned. Im not going out of state to create another Arizona type situation and flip states. So get all of your jokes out so we can get to the meat and potatoes.

I’ve spent weeks at a time in Buffalo Wyoming and Sidney Montana, both places I feel that I could blend right into the community with no issues at all

I've spent a few years of my life in the central valley. Those that haven't spent much time there probably don't get it. The dominant politics of the area were pretty obvious when a guy could go eat out at a bunch of restaurants even though the state mandated they be closed to indoor dining.. At the same time, lots of gang activity and crime and still subject to CA state laws.
Man I might end up in Co and not have to work at all 😂😂
My wife is always looking to hire, let me know haha… there are loads of Californians here already why not a couple more lol down side is a decent house on the west side of town where the office is is 750-950k easy… but you can thank your fellow Californians for that
Something to consider if you’re looking at NW Montana. Most people are charging 25/hr for nannying if you can find one for your kids and there is about a year wait to get a daycare
I've spent a few years of my life in the central valley. Those that haven't spent much time there probably don't get it. The dominant politics of the area were pretty obvious when a guy could go eat out at a bunch of restaurants even though the state mandated they be closed to indoor dining.. At the same time, lots of gang activity and crime and still subject to CA state laws.
Funny the Gov of California managed indoor restaurant dining quite well during the mandatory shutdown as did other politicians. That is a good of reason as any to leave that state
I love all the complaining about Californians coming to your states. I have been complaining about other people coming to California for decades. The people I associate with here are ranchers, farmers, cowboys, outdoorsmen, and just all around good american people. I have found the problem people here are predominantly the people who aren’t from here, or at least don’t have a long family history here. I am more western then many of the people I have met in Montana. And I will be coming there soon. Not so much because I hate california, but because I love Montana and the mountains and everything it offers. It just suits my way of life better. Sorry
I love all the complaining about Californians coming to your states. I have been complaining about other people coming to California for decades. The people I associate with here are ranchers, farmers, cowboys, outdoorsmen, and just all around good american people. I have found the problem people here are predominantly the people who aren’t from here, or at least don’t have a long family history here. I am more western then many of the people I have met in Montana. And I will be coming there soon. Not so much because I hate california, but because I love Montana and the mountains and everything it offers. It just suits my way of life better. Sorry
Yes and no its the bad political climate and decisions that make California crappy. Generally the politics call people of that mind set to move to California and like most places its the dense urban populations that drive most of the decisions not the regular practical people who don't live like rats on top of each other.
I left the summer of 2020 after a 21 year sentence. My wife is a native of So Cal, the 909/IE to be specific for those that know of it. She was going to be the 4th generation to live in her family homestead that was built during the start of the citrus industry coming to that area. Once her folks passed it was time. Her mother made the comment to us before passing that it was time for us to leave. That said we didn't land in a better political climate so to speak but the quality of life we feel is way improved. Closer to family and friends and a change of seasons. Not sure there is a "perfect" place and if you ever find it congrats and be grateful. I miss the mountains, trout fishing in the Sierras, deep sea fishing, authentic mexican food and a handful of people. Best of luck in your search OP.
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The only thing keeping us here is our family support system, and we will probably look further into leaving once our kids get older. My wife works full-time 3 days a week and she helps teach our kids in a hybrid homeschool so we can keep our kids out of California's public school system. I am hoping when we move she can stay at home or maybe only part-time.

It's the politics that get to us here too. Thankfully where we are at (Bakersfield) we really didn't have to comply with most COVID rules. From the beginning of it we really only had to wear masks at the doctor/dentist's offices. As mentioned above even many restaurants remained open "underground". But it is the idea that they had to be underground because of CA's regulations that bother us. My wife had to fight hard to keep her job as a hospital RN to not get the jab. We also had to attend church "underground".

Times are changing though and many from the rest of the state are moving here changing this red city to purple, bringing in their ideologies because our cost of living is lower. Sounds familiar, right? Because of this I completely understand why others do not want us.

My dad was born in Great Falls Montana, lived in Cascade until his 20s, and then moved here to California for job opportunities. I visited there many summers growing up and loved it but I am still deciding if that is the right place for us. I would love it but the wife isn't sure because of the winter weather so she is looking more at the outside of the Knoxville, TN area.

We will see though.
Yes and no its the bad political climate and decisions that make California crappy. Generally the politics call people of that mind set to move to California and like most places its the dense urban populations that drive most of the decisions not the regular practical people who don't live like rats on top of each other.
Pretty accurate. I work for a large company with offices across the state, and I can say without a doubt most of the raging liberals I work with are not CA natives. Maybe if all the other states hadn’t been sending us their weirdos for the last several decades we wouldn’t have so many people wanting to leave.
I love all the complaining about Californians coming to your states. I have been complaining about other people coming to California for decades. The people I associate with here are ranchers, farmers, cowboys, outdoorsmen, and just all around good american people. I have found the problem people here are predominantly the people who aren’t from here, or at least don’t have a long family history here. I am more western then many of the people I have met in Montana. And I will be coming there soon. Not so much because I hate california, but because I love Montana and the mountains and everything it offers. It just suits my way of life better. Sorry

They don't have a clue what most of us are like. They associate CA with what they see on TV and we know that's far from what it truly is. We know it as the farming / cattle state that it is.

Congratulations on making the move. We're in Lodi now and will be out of CA in a few years (Wyoming) as well. I wish you the best wherever you land.
I love all the complaining about Californians coming to your states. I have been complaining about other people coming to California for decades. The people I associate with here are ranchers, farmers, cowboys, outdoorsmen, and just all around good american people. I have found the problem people here are predominantly the people who aren’t from here, or at least don’t have a long family history here. I am more western then many of the people I have met in Montana. And I will be coming there soon. Not so much because I hate california, but because I love Montana and the mountains and everything it offers. It just suits my way of life better. Sorry
I def relate to this. We ranched and farmed on 200 acres in northern California before my in-laws moved to Wyoming (to continue ranching and farming) and we left for Arizona (small town farming community) where my family is from.

These nerds who live in regular ass houses in suburbs, coming in and gatekeeping their states, when most guys moving out their way are more blue collar, with family history of ranching and farming than they will EVER be. It's just plain hilarious to me. Ariats with no dirt on them and clean, felt cowboy hats crack us up.