getting fed up

Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
after about around 100mi with it since memorial weekend, im getting kind of fed up with my wilderness packs bighorn. ive lost a couple lbs and maybe thats the problem but it seems like the waist belt doesnt want to stay tight enough to keep the load riding high on my hips and ends up down on my shoulders too often. also when i get in the 60-80lb load range the belts starts to kinda fold up and loses its rigidness. over 80lbs the belt is so folded the frame starts digging into my back. im not budgeted for a new pack by any means but im not excited going into into hunting season with this setup
I have heard of this problem before with many other packs....easy fix a KIFARU and skip lunch for a month.
i know, id love to buy one, i even already have the xtl lid.. just such a chunk of change. i dont how to convey to the wife i need to drop serious coin on a new pack when the one i have isnt very old
FTF, sell the one you have and get $200 for it....That puts you $400 from a Kifaru Duplex Timberline. That can be done without your wife even knowing. Sometimes it is better to get forgiveness than it is permission.
Go through all your gear and start selling stuff... then look at selling off a lot of it! Might try to pick up either a Mystery Ranch, Kifaru, or even a backpacking pack used for this season...

I have never had one but people have recommended to me a dana designs terraplane. You can find them used on ebay for around $250. So sell your pack get one of those and then sell that one next year and buy a K pack... Put $40 bucks away per month and you got one real soon.
Get a tenzing for 400 or a horn hunter full curl for 330. You don't need a kifaru, no need to stress if you can't get one you can still kill elk. Look into those two companies for a cheaper alternative if you can't float the cash for a kifaru.
im not trying to pass judgement without ever handling one but its hard to believe a tenzing is going to haul a load better than the pack I'm using that has an actual full frame, functional lifters and so fourth. my current pack is plenty comfortable at 40-50lbs. its the heavy loads that are starting to get it to fold up.

i did find a terra frame on ebay that was for 275, kinda tempting. i know I'm picky but i don't like the waist belt pulls and lack of attachment points on it.
I havent owned many packs but I knew that it wasn't where I wanted to skimp. I have a standard t2 and dont regreat it at all. Usually when I get something, something new comes out that makes me wish I had waited. Not the case with the t2, even with the duplex and other new kifaru packs coming out I still think the T2 is the best pack I could have purchased.
Not to knock tenzing but I find it funny they are already considered a better pack then most and have only been on the market as far as the public is ccerned for a month. Now I don't own one and don't see me selling my k-pack to get one but just seems really early to say they will handle anything serious without atleast a year of abuse. Not knocking them just don't understand why they are so highly rated but then again so was the eberlestock BW (my last pack) that everyone knocks now, sorry for going off topic.

Anyway you could get a new belt? Could be defective? I know some people have had belts that would fold up/crimp and not tighten properly, the material broke down over time and just needed to be replaced or was defective or something. Have you contacted the pack company?
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I have not tried a tenzing but a good friend who I trust 100% basically told me Tenzing packs (for the price of $400) are complete crap!! Again not my words but I trust my buddy and has never steered me wrong. I would maybe contact company about waist belt and see if a new one would get you through this year.
i emailed the co. on return from my last trip, waiting to hear back. basically told them what I've been experiencing and ask if anyone else has had this issue and if they had any solutions.
no its not bunching like that, the hip material itself, not the webbing is what is buckling under the weight.
i agree with the tenzing, what is any different with them than a badlands or eberlestock except pockets or material, of which i don't have any complaints. suspension is where its at and I'm not seeing anything new with them..?
i wouldn't mind personally skipping a scouting trip or two or even 3 at this point if it meant that i could drop some coin on a pack that I am happier with in the long run. Just my 2 cents. Hope they get back to you sooner rather than later.
well, spoke with the folks there at wilderness packs and they said that while most people never have a problem with the belt i have people who routinely pack 80+lbs should use their upgraded belt that uses an abs sheet and heavier lumbar padding. so they are sending that out to me, we'll see if that helps