Gave Up Two Weeks Of Elk Hunting (Success Story)

full draw

Jun 19, 2015
To be drawn for elk in 2017 I soon realized to be successful I needed to elevate my level of focus and determination while prepping for the early archery hunt. Two Months before the hunt was to kick off.. I realized I had found myself at odds with my employer. This was not sitting well with my wife and I. We talked.

I was now faced with a tough decision... I had a full two weeks for the hunt and I was hoping to grind out my days at work but this daily task was easier said than done. A decision was made that I was to terminate employment and find a new job and gamble that my new employer would allow a few days off for the hunt.

Was I walking away from two weeks of elk hunting? Just make it work for two months!!!! Right? Nope.

The gamble paid off! It was agreed I could take a week off for my hunt. I kicked training into gear.

Opening weekend hit and I had my daughter in tow (she isnt a fan of hunting) but I wasnt going to miss the opener and decided to make it a fun opening weekend. Driving roads eating snacks and checking tanks exploring etc.


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full draw

Jun 19, 2015

We hit the jack pot checking trail cams.


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full draw

Jun 19, 2015
Late Sleeper..

I soon Constructed a plan to hunt the early am while the daughter slept. Saturday day 2 found me 80 yds from this bull and his cows. No shot presented and they fed to the bedding area at sun up. I snapped a quick photo and headed back for a late breakfast.


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full draw

Jun 19, 2015
Short Day Sunday

Sunday am we awoke early and headed home. I made a mad dash to the area I visited on saturday and the herd I was in had two hunters in the area but they werent pressing the herd at all. I remained tight lipped on what was in the area when we briefly talked.

full draw

Jun 19, 2015
Suprising Text

Sunday PM we are in town and I am packing more gear for the big show on Monday when I am to return alone. I recieved a text from a friend asking if he could come along on my hunt. I was to head back Monday AM after dropping the kids of at school and head up solo for a week.

I was surprised to get this text as we discussed him coming up but this was months prior and we didnt talk at all in between those months. I had planned for a solo pack out but was excited to share the hunt with a friend.. Game on.

We arrived at 11:30 am set camp and snuck in for the evening hunt. Bulls were in high rut by now. We got on 5 different bulls and I let carbon fly at a mature bull. We looked until 10pm for blood and an arrow with our head lamps. This was such an amazing part of the hunt to be under the stars with a good friend looking for a downed bull. With out blood we backed out until the am.

The next morning we found my arrow. It appeared to have smal amounts of blood I knew I hit in fromt a touch but he spun before impact and and got minimal penetration. We searched until lunch and called it a non fatal hit and we agreed to get back to the action.


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full draw

Jun 19, 2015
The evening hunt was quiet..

We switched areas not trying to pressure the herd after the found arrow and no blood. We went into town to get a warm meal and discuss the next days plan. It was discussed to still leave the area where the shot was taken to let them settle back to there feeding routines and beding areas. After all they were still in the same country just a bit spooked.

The am came quickly and we had a 2nd wind now to explore new country. Leaving the other area be. As we were packing we both agreed to go after that same herd since we were on good bulls. This was the right call.

We missed the heard bull chasing a hot cow by about 400 yds but knew satellite bulls would soon follow.


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full draw

Jun 19, 2015
A simple Plan.

We got set up and I stretched an extra 200 yds by myself to get in position. I found the perfect spot.. and then I found an even better spot... and moved again. Than I noticed I had set my back pack down at the first spot. I thought oh well find it later. Than I heard how far he was out when he let out a bugle coming right where the herd bull had crossed. I made a mad dash to my pack swoooped it up and got back in position. Only to find an even better spot to wait for him. Than it happend!!!!!

I see movement just on the other side of the bush im hunkered in. I think to my self.. this is it!!!! I peer through the bush and see a familiar face glaring at me. A coyote.

I assume he watched me go from bush to tree to bush and back he was checking me out or thought i was prey since i was moving deliberately.

Than I remember I had my practice lap arrow in my quiver and contemplating smoking him. What???!!! my bull is soon to come in. But my instincts wanted to get this coyote in the dirt. The bull sounded off again and he was stil a ways off but heading towards us. Im thinking smoke him! SMOKE THE COYOTE AND THEN GET THE ELK! I calmed my nerves and decided to film the experience while waiting out my bull. The coyote vanished while i was figeting with my phone. I thought maybe hes clsing the distance and got ready to draw. I caught movement to my right. about 70 yds out. The coyote was leaving the country.

full draw

Jun 19, 2015
Let Down

Minutes later another bugle sounds off and hes close and heading right at me. I see him top out and head my direction. He gets to what I guessed 80 yds and I draw. He holds up. My heart sank. did he see me draw? Should I let down and let him walk by. Just as I was deciding the bul changes directions and breaks to my left. Still drawn I take a half step into the bush im hunkered down in and wait. As he is about to clear the bush he breaks to my right. I am deep in the left side of the bush and manipulate the bow up and over a few limbs to switch shooting lanes. As I am bringing my down from over my head and get paralel to the ground his vitals are creeping through my bow sight. I pause hold steady and release. 7 yds! A good hit and a 200 yd dash and he tops over.
I head back to my friend and let him know what had just happened. We soon got to work and broke down camp. It was such an amazing memory and hunt to share this with a friend made it a fantastic hunt. I am already spilling over maps hoping to draw another tag for 2018. What a rush!


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