Garbage bag or Kifaru Meat Baggie?

Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
I know a few of you have Kifaru Meat baggies, as do I. Do you still take a garbage bag with you to put the meat in seeings how the meat baggie when seam sealed is waterproof? Just going through my gear and wondering what I need and don't need for next year. I know I can use the garbage bag for other things than meat, like putting it in a creek to keep it cool etc... Just trying to get some ideas and change up my kit to lighten it up
I don't seal my MB. But I always take a large garbage bag to lay meat on or if I have to throw the meat in water . I use the MB for Back straps, Tenderloins and heart plus any choice cuts:)
Garbage bags are a priority. A great piece of equipment with so many back country uses. For the weight, I say always take them....
I used ot carry Trash Compactor bags cause they are tougher than the average garbage bag. However, I have switch to OR silynylon roll top dry sacks (35 liter and 55 liter variety as they are like $7 off of Sierra Trading Post) and they work like a champ. Waterproof and way tough. And fully waterproof so no blood leaks everywhere like it did before even with garbage bags. Plus a 55 Lighter dry bag is actually lighter than two trash compactor bags.
I've used garbage bags for years and have never had a problem. When I'm finished packing out, I can toss them out and don't have to worry about cleaning anything up. And you can't really beat the price of garbage bags.
KMB plus a couple garbage bags that could be used for stream cooling, laying meat on, rain water collection, garbage, emergency poncho, and a host of other things.