Gap shooting hold


Feb 25, 2012
I shoot a recurve left handed and have to hold my arrow point to the left of the spot I’m shooting at.
Is this normal or is there an issue with my bow tune,anchor or form?
I’m a pretty decent shot and killed my first buck with it this year but want to get better.
Yes I could have phrased that better. I’m impacting 6” right of POA at 20 yds.
I think it could be a little of both your points.
While my broadheads do hit with my field points I had to add a bunch of weight to the tip to get the spine weak enough and it might still be a tad stiff.
I think anchor might be the bigger part of the problem. I’m using as high an anchor as I can to shrink my gaps but having difficulty getting the arrow directly under my eye.
I guess my question was is this an acceptable way to do it or should I be working on getting everything on a a vertical plane.
You should be working on it!!! Try pushing to the target with your bow hand, that's assuming your tune is good. I was having same problem this afternoon but reversed as I'm right handed, arrows flying beautiful but my bow arm would yip to the left when I released the string pulling the arrow over. Think I got lazy last couple months shooting a recurve with heavy stabilizer on it, went back to my one piece longbow that has a lot less mass and I need to work on it too!
Are you plucking the string? Throwing your arm out? Could actually be lots of issues. It’s mostly a guess without seeing you shoot. What is your eye dominance as well.
I don’t think I’m doing any of those things but it is possible.
I’m right handed but left eye dominate.
I find that if I shoot both eyes open I tend to hit in the same way. I don't get my eye over the arrow perfectly. Now what I'm trying to do is coming into alignment with one eye closed, get my point where it needs to be and then open both my eyes while I expand.
No it increases with distance. 3” @ 10yds
6” @ 20
12”@30 which is as far as I shoot currently.
Been working on my anchor and getting it centered but struggling to be consistent.
Could be form, cant or stiff spined. If you have any way to get the strike plate closer to the riser, that would make spine easy to diagnose....or if you can throw another 50-100 at the tip...that would show up.

Could be that you need some cant to get your eye position right (i fit that group). Could be anchor or release issues too.
Like other said, could be many things… I’m leaning towards head alignment, or static release.. I know I went through a static release phase and everything was exponentially left impacting (RH)..pushing towards target with bow arm, and back tension will fix lots.. it causes you to have a dynamic release…

3U or split?
Do you know where the string blur is? Realizing that your string blur is something that should be used as a reference isone of those moments where your shooting takes a step forward. Also maybe keep a few bare shafts in your quiver and shoot one or two of them occasionally to see where they're grouping in reference to the fletched shafts.
It could be your release. Pulling your hand away from your face. I shoot with a glove and even though I don’t pull my hand away, sometimes my arrow goes to the side a bit if I don’t hold my thumb and pinky together on the release hand