Full blade exodus


Mar 24, 2019
In the market for trying out qad exodus full blade, what’s anyone’s thought on this. I’ve been using Kudus 150 grain but have had not so great blood trails. I’m firing a prime centergy set at 30” draw with 80# pull and currently messing with 280 spine FMJ Injexion arrows and 100 grain tip. Any fees back would be great, this system I’m using for all around game.
I bought a pack of 125 gr to try out. They fly really well and were very sharp out of the pack. Seem well made also. I haven’t shot an animal with them yet, but am planning to use them this fall.

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I couldn't get them to tune. IMO blades plane the arrow. Have heard lots of guys who can shoot them and well.
+1 for not getting them to tune. They gave me really difficult time and I just gave up on them. The were durable as hell though.
Yes have shot the exudus for years on deer in both compound bow and cross bow. Have also shot grim reapers 1 3/8 razor tip (not cut). The exudus has the type of wounds I’m used to seeing with the reapers for certain, impressive for a fixed blade. Really impressive for 1.25” cut.

For me, they fly to field points on compound and were 1” high at 60 yards on cross bow compared to field points. So maybe I got lucky.

Have not shot an elk yet - but I have switched to IW and stepped up my arrow weight and BH weight. I have no issues with the exudus. I have hit a limb prior to entering a deer chest and that BH was dented and not re useable. I have shot into bone to with the same result. No problem and easily replaced. My deer died just the same. But with such a larger animal I wanted better BH durability all the way thru the animal.

The replaceable blades work, I have sharpened old ones that have killed, but not easy or worth the time. Like all replaceable blades the steel is soft so best to slightly increase angle and just touch up with a ceramic flat stone and hone.

They are a lethal BH, best I’ve killed with so far. Was disappointed I didn’t get a kill with IW to compare
I've shot some elk and deer with them and they are my favorite fixed replaceable blade head, tuning can be a little tough but I always can get them to match my fields points
I've used them on deer the past 2 years. Great flying head. I french tuned my bow then braodhead tuned and they flew fine. Very sharp, and durable. In my opinion, the best replaceable blade broadhead available.
What kind of speed is your setup putting out? If you are over 290 fps, good luck tuning any fixed blade really well. It can be done, but it's not easy.
For me, I'm about at 280 fps and got them to tune really easy out to 60.
Put one behind the shoulder of a raghorn that was slight quartering away, Entered behind the shoulder and came out the base of the neck. Bull made it 50 yards. Maybe. Got probably 4 or 6 deer, all pass throughs. All dead in less than 100 yds.
It's a very solid mid-cost broadhead. So far, I'm very satisfied.
Great broad head, they shoot almost identical to my field points. I have taken two elk with them and got excellent penetration, great blood trails and quick recoveries. (125 gr) Both elk were dead in minutes. Will be using them again this year for both elk and mule deer.
I’ve used them on elk. They are very durable and fly pretty true. No complaints. The swept blades are more forgiving than the full. Blood trails are okay, but certainly not like a mechanical.
Like a couple others have said, they do not tune very well in a fast bow. I could not get them to fly well out of my 300+ fps bow at all past 50 yards. I probably could have hit a deer but that isn't good enough for me. I can shoot Solid Legends into a 4" circle pretty consistently at 70 yards with the same setup.

I have seen a ton of people shooting them and saying how they hit with field points? They are either shooting a slow bow or at short distances. I can get about anything i put on the tip of my arrow to fly with field points out to 40-50 yards, after that things really start to show. I was shooting them with 3" quick spins and still couldn't get them to group well, my bare shafts shoot right with filed tips at 30 yards.

I would personally shoot something like the Solid Legend with 3/4" bleeders. They are 1 1/8" by 3/4" and fly very very well, you can pick them up used pretty reasonably these days as well.
Recently bought the 125gr swept and they tuned very nicely. Could not get 100s to tune up with my current setup to where I was happy. Swepts seem to be more forgiving and less likely to break a shaft.
I blew a moose scapula up with one the other day. Tough little thing.
The biggest problem I had with the Exodus was the head diameter. My arrows are cut to my Berger hole. If I had arrows that were cut past my riser I would use them. I had issue with the broadhead contacting the arrow shelf and the cradle for the drop away. Decided it was easier to shoot a slightly smaller bh then to worry if the point was turned properly so it didn't contact anything. I was able to tune both the full and swept to fly with field points at 65 yards, out of a setup running 310 fps. Took a while. As said the swepts are easier to tune.

Just wanted to point out the arrow past the riser part with them, but if you are already shooting a large head you are familiar with it.
Used Kudu points last year but not sure of the on the blood trail. Been thinking about the QAD.