FS: Kifaru G2 Late Season/Updated duplex belt and suspension. Foliage. Like New.


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Feb 5, 2016
Reluctantly, I am letting go a like new G2 Late Season. As mentioned, this one has the updated shoulder harness and MEDIUM duplex belt. No additional accessories or pouches. No disappointments here.

The previous owner bought it for his wife and she preferred her spike camp. I am running an EXO and have no need for it.
His thread:

Internal Frame
22" Composite Stays
Medium Belt

$350.00 tyd

I might consider a trade for a new model hunter duplex frame (26"), a 14'r, or Spike Camp for travel. Must be in excellent condition

That's a sweet deal and a killer price on the iconic Late Season pack. Absolutely love mine and can't see replacing it any time soon. Bump for you

molon labe