Front Porch Elk Calling


Jul 11, 2013
Sat on the front step at daylight this morning working on my bugles and cow talk. Had my elknut app open listening to the real stuff and then doing a damn fine job of replicating the sounds.

Neighbor sends me a text. " Hey Kenny, im hearing a weird sound over by your place. Sounds like a dog may be caught in the fence or something".

???????????????? Wut? He obviously doesnt recognize high level elk talk when he hears it. :ROFLMAO:

Told him Thanks, Ill go check it out later.

"You're welcome" he said.
Lots of hunters in my neighborhood. Last year I was doin a little bugle practice about this time of year and I hear a bugle spout off from a few houses over, and then another from a few houses the other way, and then another a few houses behind me. Hilarious. I was caught in the middle of a suburban rut fest. :ROFLMAO:
Lots of hunters in my neighborhood. Last year I was doin a little bugle practice about this time of year and I hear a bugle spout off from a few houses over, and then another from a few houses the other way, and then another a few houses behind me. Hilarious. I was caught in the middle of a suburban rut fest. :ROFLMAO:
Should have snuck in and stole their girlfriend! :D
My longtime hunting partner lives out in open country, in front of the foothills in N.CO. He has a timbered creek bottom running below his house. He was out on the deck screwing around with a new call, heard an answer, and out came three cows, walked almost up to the house.

Got a bear in front of the house this morning. Probably call him in with some cow calls this evening. This is NC, even tho cam has SC for location. Just threw it up tuesday evening, already got a damn bear show up.
My longtime hunting partner lives out in open country, in front of the foothills in N.CO. He has a timbered creek bottom running below his house. He was out on the deck screwing around with a new call, heard an answer, and out came three cows, walked almost up to the house.

I live along the front range and there are a couple local city/golf course herds. It's common for cars to pull off on the side of the road to watch and take pictures while they're grazing. I always have a cow call in my center console so when I have time to pull over and check out the big bulls I can talk to them. It's hit or miss but pretty often they at least close the distance.
My wife just texted me that she was walking the trail and working on her reed this morning. Ended up in a shouting match with a Turkey hen:) I do love her.
I switch off between rattling my wife's visa cards together or her purses and she comes running every time.
Much like the Elk rut it only works for a short period every year. :ROFLMAO: