Elk -3-What Would You Do!

Mike, yes we've had a few that were serious coming in but most call ins are more laid back even when they come in warning us to stay back. I loveem all though! Ha Ha!

Bruce, as I mentioned above this country does not allow for a silent stalk, it's just not happening even on a rainy day! You'd have to see it to appreciate it. It's thick & very noisy terrain, it's perfect for call-ins, plus I'd rather the elk doing the last bit of moving as they get into bowrange than me moving trying to get a shot in this terrain. You will eat one heck of a lot of tags if you think you can slip in on these ole boys! (grin)

Had kind of one of those experiences this last year. Had a bull answer a location bugle from several ridges over. I thought it might be another hunter but I started heading his way. About halfway there, he let out another bugle on his own without me making a sound. I continued to below where I thought he was as the thermals were going down. I was working up slowly and was about to throw out a bugle when I saw a smallish 4 or 5 point go behind a tree 40 yards up from me. Thinking I had bumped him, I threw out a loud challenge bugle to see if he would come back and take a peek and give me a shot. I nocked an arrow right when I saw him. As I waited , I saw movement 40 yards to my left. And here comes a BIG bull with his head down on a run straight down a trail for me. I drew right away but all I had was a fast moving frontal shot and my nerves were a mess from the adrenalin dump. He slowed down at 10 yards and turned a little left giving me a quarter to shot, I'll admit my nerves got me and I totally forgot to stop him and shot at ten yards. It glanced off his upper leg and went into the brisket. He ran by me at six yards and my stomach sunk as the arrow dangled out with very little penetration and fell out as he passed. I waited four long hours before I moved from that spot. I tracked him until I lost the blood after 7 hour of tracking. Then I stayed up gridding looking for any more blood or tracks.
Thanks Paul for all your help. Got a cure for nerves?
PS I was surrounded by the herd including that raghorn for an hour after I shot.
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Ha Ha, that's a tough one! All I got is having lots of encounters & kills under ones belt, that seems to assist the nerves a bit! What a great experience though! Thanks!

P.S. The Bull in the above story was taken with a 100 grain Iron Will & a 50 grain insert, total arrow wt. 400 grains!

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Great encounter you caught him at just the right mentality and played him like a fiddle!!
Here is what really happened...Old Bull took the ladies out for a night on the town, had been a tough week at work chasing off all the up-and-comer competition, but the ladies deserve a night out!
Of course, the night started a little late because a couple of the ladies spent a little extra time fussing with hair and makeup. Good night on the town, but big day tomorrow so time to head back to the old bedding area. Those couple ladies still dragging behind chatting like sorority girls and flirting with all the young bulls.
Fine, he has had it, going to leave them behind to find their own way and take the rest of the herd home. They even had the gall to stop by one more watering hole!! Now they are blowing up his phone bitching about why he left them in town as they have to walk home. He can hear a Frat boy chatting with them in the background and the temp is now rising.
They are coming up the front walk and just outside the gate he hears the Frat boy catcalling to the girls and then challenging HIS manhood! That's it...gloves are off and it's on!! Going to open a can on ol'Frat boy......