Freezer Alarm Recommendation Needed

I just bought the Yolink with hub and two sensors for $36.39 after early cyber Monday sale with additional 20% based on the several recs in this thread.

I found one of my freezers got u plugged yesterday, and luckily caught it in time and most stuff just started to soften! A little extra insurance against that now if these work good.
Question for you guys using the Yolink in your freezers. Are you buying the weatherproof sensors or the ones with the display?
I use ambient weather network for my meat cooler and freezers. Never had an issue. It connects go wifi and sends me app alerts and email notifications if the temp goes out of my specific range. Litium batteries have lasted going on 2 years as well
Another YoLink user. Have both the power failure alarm and in-freezer sensors. Saved me while out of town a few weeks ago.
I use ambient weather network for my meat cooler and freezers. Never had an issue. It connects go wifi and sends me app alerts and email notifications if the temp goes out of my specific range. Litium batteries have lasted going on 2 years as well
Got a link
I use the YoLink with the digital display sensors. I have 3 of them in freezers and a 4th one in the living room to monitor heat/AC.
I use temp stick. I have 4 of them. Just use the lithium batteries. The app is 98%. The alert feature is pretty good. Just needs some minor configuration, and it does the job.

I used to have the cord that went outside the freezer to the inside, but that was problematic with icing down the cord.
+ Mocreo - have 3 chest freezers and Mocreo allows you to monitor multiple freezers and set them for different alarm treatment triggers to your phone.
Happy Yolink user. We monitor the temps in the freezers, coldroom with the Coolbot, and the refrigerator. Also the garage, great room, and workshop, mainly for use when we are gone. And finally for water leaks under sinks and water heater plus and around toilets....gave us a house insurance discount.
Good recomendations
For the YoLink users….if I want 4 sensors for 4 freezers, do I need to add the hub?
Or to monitor do I just need the sensors and the app on my phone?
Man, I didn't even know these were a thing. Now that my freezer is full, I just ordered one. Great thread.
Another Yolink.

Last fall I picked up 2 hubs, and 6 temp monitors and split them up in two separate buildings (each on different wi-fi). 4 of the monitors (with digital readout) went in freezers and the others monitor air temp in rooms. This worked so well that I just added 6 of their water leak detectors on a Black Friday deal.

The freezer alarms already saved me once when one of my kids left a door open!