A quad or side-by-side will save a lot of wear and tear and scratches on your pick up on those bad 2 tracks in the mountains or bush. Faster to get around too, much better than any Jeep or 4wd vehicle.
I use a quad because it’s easier to get it to my out-of-state hunts- fits in my truck or small trailer vs a SxS.
The negative to a quad vs SxS is its much colder running an ATV vs a SxS in bad weather…and wetter- quads are more exposed to the elements. A good jacket and gloves solves it for me.
Worth mentioning; some western states have designated motorcycle trails, Quad and motorcycle trails with a 50” wide restriction.
Most states have Motor vehicle restrictions…and maps showing the roads closed during hunt seasons. A guy needs to have this info. Unfortunately, There are many slob guys that ignore these rules.
Ethics is what we do when nobody is looking…sadly plenty of unethical guys out there. There were a couple of quad guys trekking into a roadless area I was hunting in Idaho Last season.
This is my old Honda rancher that I have had for over 20 years. I recently upgraded to a Polaris sportsman 570 EPS. The Polaris ride is night and day better than my Honda. Hondas are gear driven. Everything else is a CVT transmission with a belt.
The reliability issues are about the same as long as you aren’t running those CVT transmission ATVs, like a motocross Event.
In Newsom run CA, they are pushing for everything electric- mowers, farm equipment, etc so I figured I better upgrade my old 20-year-old Honda before I cannot buy one here anymore. California forced Yamaha and Kawasaki to stop selling their quads here since 2021.
Fun fact- my polaris/Can am dealer here during Covid was selling 3 units a day- sand rails, side by sides, etc- they couldn’t keep them in stock. now its slowed down.