I was in you position several years ago and didn't buy one until I had some firsthand knowledge of issues.. I've tried big/small, air cooled vs fluid cooled, 2 wheel vs 4 weel drive, with winch/ without, etc, etc... One issue to keep n mind ground clearance it is important.. If you're going to carry 2 riders (with gear and possibly animal parts) 250 would be way undersized.. In order to develop any horsepower/torque you would have to keep it reved tight whis is not great for the engine.. Sometimes you have to go super slow so you need raw power/torque... I ended up getting a used Honda Foreman 4/4 400 fluid cooled with a winch.. I ocassionally will ride another hunter on it, but not often.. I've found that is about perfect for a single rider with gear.. I've had it in snow 12-14" deep without chains without much issue.. Another issue.. Make sure the unit has a reasonable pull start in case your battery goes dean and you have manually start.. This can be more/less of an issue depending on auto/manual drive... There is no perfect unit, but determine exactly what your needs are (make a list of realistic expectations).. look at the specs of a lot of units and see which one checks the most boxes for you, then start looking for the best one of "It" on the used market and be patient in looking... If buying used and you're not very mechanical have someone who is inspect it before committing.. Things like bearings, brakes, u joints, axles, etc, etc can cause you a lot of grief if they are a problem.. Once you get the unit you choose, maintain it well.. Good units go bad quicker than needed if not properly maintained.. Riding on trails, dirt/unimproved roads is much harder on an ATV that riding in the backyard or on the farm.. If using at altitude check to see what options are available to adjust or replace ( as needed) carbiator jets, etc to get optimal performance and not burn valves, etc.. All the best in making your selection and finding one at a reasonable cost.. I've found the winch to be a must have as well.. Never know when you'll need it.. I had to use mine once to lower mine over a very steep bank in order to get around a huge tree that was down across the road, then pull myself back onto the road.. Good luck in your search.. Added note.. If you choose to go with a winch, be sure the battery is sized appropriately.. While using a winch it will suck a std battery down quickly (even with the engine ideling..