Form letter via Big Game Forever OPPOSING WOLVES IN COLORADO

Nov 21, 2013
Please read this. The state of Colorado and it’s wildlife need your help.

Thank you.

Big Game Forever

Wolves in Colorado: Protect Colorado's moose, elk and deer from forced expansion of unmanaged wolves.

Powerful anti-sportsmen groups and animal rights activists have sent 5,000 letters to force Colorado to accept at least 1,000 unmanaged wolves. Governor Hickenlooper and the state wildlife commission have endorsed delisting and state management of wolves.

Send a letter of support to Colorado Governor Hickenlooper and the Colorado Wildlife Commission using our automated system at:

This is why sending a message is so important today. Tomorrow the Colorado Wildlife Commission will vote on a resolution in support of state management of wolves. These powerful animal rights groups have sent thousands of messages to force 1,000 wolves on Colorado. Under fully endangered status, the state will be powerless to protect Colorado wildlife from the destruction experienced in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The vast majority of the letters are from people outside of the state of Colorado.

Let's send thousands of letters from citizens of Colorado. Let's tell our leaders that we do not want to repeat the mistakes of the Northern Rockies. We want the state to protect our Wild Shiras Moose, Rocky Mountain Elk and Mule Deer populations. It takes just 1 minute to send a letter to Colorado Governor Hickenlooper and the entire Colorado Wildlife Commission.

Join us in sending a message today.

To send a message, simply click on the link above. Enter your address information to verify you live in Colorado and hit "submit." Then, the system will then take you to a customizable standard letter in support of state management of wolves. Hit "submit" on the form letter and your message will automatically be sent to our leaders in the state of Colorado.

Your friend in conservation,

Denny Behrens
Colorado BigGame Forever


BigGame Forever ( is a non-profit membership organization of conservation-minded sportsmen committed to protecting the future of our outdoor heritage. BigGame Forever allows hunters and fishermen from around the United States to speak with one united voice to promote the protection of abundant wild game and the right of sportsmen

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BigGame Forever 90 WEST 500 SOUTH #428 Bountiful, UT 84010
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Nov 21, 2013
This makes it easy to get a letter into the proper in-boxes.... Only takes a minute or two.
Nov 21, 2013

I see your point. I threw that link up because it was a clearly stated position (as far as the text of the letter) and because it addressed not only CPW but the governor and senator, etc. from Colorado. I am not sure that by siding with BGF on this one specific issue that I am "backing" them but, again, I acknowledge your point. Maybe I should have posted a link to RMEF for their form letter but I believe it only sent mail to CPW... I hope the elected officials who actually have a hand in legislating are understanding of the opposition from sportsmen as this unfolds.
Jul 30, 2013
I see your point. I threw that link up because it was a clearly stated position (as far as the text of the letter) and because it addressed not only CPW but the governor and senator, etc. from Colorado. I am not sure that by siding with BGF on this one specific issue that I am "backing" them but, again, I acknowledge your point. Maybe I should have posted a link to RMEF for their form letter but I believe it only sent mail to CPW... I hope the elected officials who actually have a hand in legislating are understanding of the opposition from sportsmen as this unfolds.

Agreed, I tried to follow the link to see the actual text of the letter, but was unsuccessful all it asked me for was my name and other things, do they just attach your name to the letter? And if so can you view the content of the letter anywhere?
Nov 21, 2013
unfortunately, you must fill in the info in order to see the letter draft and then accept the fact you are gonna be on their mailing list:)
Apr 3, 2013
Somewhere between here and there
BGF uses wolves as a fundraising tool just like Howling for Justice does. I wouldn't send them a dime if I won the Powerball this weekend.

That said, write letters to CPW. A personal letter has much more impact than a form letter.