FORLOH pack launched today!


Rokslide Sponsor
Mar 16, 2022

Let me know if you have any questions about the pack - but we just got it live today :) I'll be headed home in about an hour, but will be on in the morning to answer any questions on specifics. As always it is USA made!

Sorry for the shameless promotion - I'm excited to see what you guys think!

Hannah @ FORLOH
What makes this pack better than anything else on the market? Honest question, don't know anything about it.
Comparable to kifaru pricing once you include most necessary accessories.

I’m skeptical about that material. They say it’s quiet, lightweight, tough, but what’s the trade off? Long-term durability? Noise when cold? If this was the magic fabric that truly checked all those boxes, one of the longer-running manufacturers would have used it already.
It would be very hard to break into the hunting pack market today without something really innovative at the core of the design. Not seeing that here.
If you are looking for a 100% made in America pack this is the only option other than Kifaru so I'm really glad to see some competition in that market.

I think some additional frame sizes and some additional bag choices would really help fill some of the gaps mentioned above.

Do you have these available in the Whitefish store for me to put hands on?

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I’m guessing the RECCO sensor is part of the high price tag. Interesting idea.
I like the waterproof fabric and the the Recco sensors are a neat idea. I would be interested in trying on the frame as well to see how comfortable the shoulder straps and hip belt design is when loaded.

That being said, I don’t think I’d ever be looking at this current frame based on a 22” frame height. The additional tabs on the bag don’t seem like they would support the load lifters the same as a frame attachment would. But maybe I’m wrong on this?

In the photo on the website with the gentleman with a loaded meat shelf and bag, I would be real curious as to the actual weight in meat shelf and bag. I’m guessing it’s not all too heavy in that picture and a truly loaded shelf and pack might ride differently. But I sure would love to be totally incorrect on this guess.

All that said, I’m excited for new players in the market and to see how the line develops.
In the photo on the website with the gentleman with a loaded meat shelf and bag, I would be real curious as to the actual weight in meat shelf and bag. I’m guessing it’s not all too heavy in that picture and a truly loaded shelf and pack might ride differently. But I sure would love to be totally incorrect on this guess.
I immediately thought the same thing, that picture looks un doable with real weight. It does look like a nice pack and I like the built in pouch on the belt since I always add one anyway, but I’m also curious if it’s as shiny as the pictures make it look? Looks like some interesting features and it’d be interesting to see one in person, but there’s definitely some things to look at for that $
I was excited to see another pack and frame on the market until I saw the 22" frame. It's going to be the same issue everyone had with the original NICE frame from MR. It's just too short for the average sized mountain hunter to get any sort of decent load lifter angle. The NICE frame could handle a ton of weight, but it sucked. Sure, there are some people who have shorter pack outs or can suck it up and hump weight no mater what, but if anyone wanted to suffer through a pack out they could just go buy an ALICE frame from the army surplus store. For the price point, it better be a more pleasant user experience than the less expensive USA made packs on the market.

Of course, this is all just speculation since no one has actually used one. I would be interested in a taller frame, or load lifter extension, if done correctly. I wish FORLOH great success, but I hope they listen to the feedback from this forum.

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. For the price point, it better be a more pleasant user experience than the less expensive USA made packs on the market.
These cost basically the same that Kifaru costs and they are the ONLY 100% made in the USA packs available. I don't care what SG, EXO, and SO tell you, they are sewing their packs in the USA with material from China. That is how they keep their prices so much lower than Kifaru (and now Forloh). They like to say their material is "mostly" from the USA but have them explain to what exactly that means....they will not tell you (believe me, I've asked each one of them both on this website, and directly through email).

I'm not saying that is necessarily a bad thing...but we need to compare apples to apples and Forloh and Kifaru are the only "major" companies making packs in the USA with USA sourced materials and they are comparably priced. Being 100% made and sourced in the USA may not be a factor for you, but it is for me, and it is for others as well.