Forbes Rifles out of business?


Feb 24, 2012
Was just at my local Forbes dealer looking at a 24b and was told what they have is it, Forbes is no longer in business. Anyone else hear this?
Check their Facebook page. They aren't entirely out of business ( last time I checked). It sounds complicated.
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Someone mentioned it in a recent thread. Sounds like they are relocating but may be more than that. There are still some rifles for sale on gun broker.
Talked to Melvin the other day and he said they are done, if you have one and need service he will do it for a reasonable fee. Also heard today something about a major investor running away with a lot of money (not sure what this means), pretty much tanking them but who knows if that is true, didn't come from Melvin.

Hopefully none of this is true but doesn't look good. On the plus side if you have a Forbes Melvin will do his magic to pretty much make it a NULA for a very reasonable price.

All this said, I traded my Kimber Classic 300wsm straight across for a nib Forbes 24b 270win :) weighs 5.56lbs with talley's. Can't wait to see how it shoots.
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dolman How did you get in contact with him? His NULA number is not in service.. I need a stock for mine (was stollen from my paint guys shop) I have no idea what to do for a stock now..