Food plots when you have hogs

Jan 11, 2023
We built a soybean food plot a few years ago as trial and error on our property and we want to build another food plot. The issue is that we now have feral hogs and aren't sure if we can plant anything. I have seen people grow clover and they don't touch it and I've even heard of people growing radishes and they didn't mess with them. I have heard people use both and have two different results. Does anyone have any experience with food plots and hogs? Is it worth it or should I just run feeders with a hog fence around them?
If they do decide to come into the plot, it only takes one night for them to destroy the whole damn plot. Hogs will eat anything. If you have a bunch , i would have them trapped or shot into oblivion, or go with fenced feeders.
Dont break the bank. Plant something cheap and see what happens.

We did food plots and had hogs without trouble.
Give it a shot. l’ve never had a complete loss on a plot because of hogs but more than likely they will do some damage
"Clover" vs. radishes is two or more completely different things.

What are you trying to do for the deer/for your hunting?

Are we talking kill plots or supplemental nutrition or manipulation of travel routes?

Trapping hogs is the only way to make a dent in them, especially until you decide to quit feeding *any* critters beyond what your land supports on its own.
Don't plant anything they will root up, root crops. Clover, vetch etc. should be ok. Spouse's family doesn't have much issue in Texas with above ground plots, radishes and turnips are another game with hogs.
Bigger the plot the better too, they might not root the whole plot up if big enough.
This was done in 1 night after sprigged for Bermuda grass I believe, they seem to love bermuda and the grubs in their area.

I agree on the trapping as most productive, but hunting them is more fun.
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Friend planted milo for doves, grew and matured perfectly, just before heads started to brown hogs moved in removed every head from every plant, looked like it had been combined with the head set 18” off the ground. Trying celery this year, so far so good. All of the feeders on 2 ranches I hunt have livestock panels encircling the feeders, 2 ft high allows the deer in and prevents most hogs.
Good luck predicting hog behavior.
Exception: once you trap a few, the others become impossible to trap for quite a while.
Hogs will eat anything including their dead relatives.
I have been looking into fencing feeders. We have a few traps set up and have trapped 15 so far. I have been leaning more towards feeders, but I just cant hunt over them.
If they do decide to come into the plot, it only takes one night for them to destroy the whole damn plot. Hogs will eat anything. If you have a bunch , i would have them trapped or shot into oblivion, or go with fenced feeders.
Don't plant anything they will root up, root crops. Clover, vetch etc. should be ok. Spouse's family doesn't have much issue in Texas with above ground plots, radishes and turnips are another game with hogs.
Bigger the plot the better too, they might not root the whole plot up if big enough.
This was done in 1 night after sprigged for Bermuda grass I believe, they seem to love bermuda and the grubs in their area.

I agree on the trapping as most productive, but hunting them is more fun.
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Ive been looking into the BioLogic Non-Typical Clover. I don't think they would get into that (hopefully)
Do not use corn in your feeders as long as hogs are around. They will find whoever is using corn so let your neighbors deal with them.

Here is a proven way to get rid of hogs:

I don’t like hunting over feeders even if legal. Just use to pattern movement and kill on the way to/from.
Killing hogs requires whatever method is legal. Hunting over a feeder is the best way, so why not do it? i understand if you dont want to hunt deer over a feeder, but hogs are different. You want them gone, you better do what it takes.