Food plot chemical prices!


Jul 21, 2019
So who’s planting a food plot or plots this year? Have you seen the prices of roundup and fertilizer recently? Where I’m at it has all doubled in price from last year. Going to bankrupt me for a large plot. I’d say I will downsize my plot due to the high prices of chemicals, or not use as much fertilizer! That’s not even including the high dollar seed!
I feel sorry for the guys with several plots, they will need a bank loan!
We are tilling and planting. We arnt putting anything else on our food plots this year. Its just gotten too expensive.
So who’s planting a food plot or plots this year? Have you seen the prices of roundup and fertilizer recently? Where I’m at it has all doubled in price from last year. Going to bankrupt me for a large plot. I’d say I will downsize my plot due to the high prices of chemicals, or not use as much fertilizer! That’s not even including the high dollar seed!
I feel sorry for the guys with several plots, they will need a bank loan!
Imagine what family farms are going through. Fuel is insane, fertilizer and seed is through the roof.
Got lucky and the lady at the local store gave us the heads up of the raise in price picked up the last few jugs of round up

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Bought some supplies this past weekend.
Throw and mow here we come.
Less fuel consumed and fewer high dollar inputs.
Doesn't look like a magazine photo but I've watched deer chew on thistles in a field of nice clover...
Roundup plus was $185 for a 2.5 gallon jug at local custom spraying outfit about a month ago. Same jug was $55 last year. For burn down my rate was 32oz per acre. Jug covered 10 acres.
It has gone up across the board. That is if you can even get it. Potato farms are having hard time getting ant-fungal spray in my area. Doing yard work, all the customers a complaining about fuel surcharges and prices going up. The guy I work for tried to get everyone locked in a contract early so he could buy before the prices went up further and got a bulk discount.
By way of update, just checked in with my local custom spraying outfit. Round up prices are still $75-80/gallon around here, and really tough to get your hands on... He said the Chinese have completely cornered and control the glyphosate market. He's speculating that Pelosi's trip to Taiwan pi$$ed them off and they are going to shut down the spigot, FWIW.
By way of update, just checked in with my local custom spraying outfit. Round up prices are still $75-80/gallon around here, and really tough to get your hands on... He said the Chinese have completely cornered and control the glyphosate market. He's speculating that Pelosi's trip to Taiwan pi$$ed them off and they are going to shut down the spigot, FWIW.
Why are thy going after roundup instead of grey goose?