Food list for 7 days?


Jun 16, 2012
Colorado Springs,Co.
Just wondering what everyone is doing for different meals and the weight they carry on a seven day pack in hunt? My pack weight is about as light as I can get it and food and water seem to be the big one!
Feb 9, 2019
For a sheep hunt I am about 1.5 lbs per day and right around 3000 calories. Breakfast I run oatmeal or granola, and pre cooked bacon. I will put powdered milk in my granola then just add water when I'm ready to eat. During the day I mostly just snack. Trail mix, granola bars, to go peanut butter cups, bite size candy bars, Cliff bars, Gatorade bars, dehydrated fruits, tuna pack and pita bread, jerky. I will have a big meal at night such as MTN house, Mac n cheese, rice or pasta sides, just add water soup mix. General rule of thumb I try to look for 100 calories/oz. One big key for me is variety, if it don't sound good in the store it tends to not taste good to me in the field. I put each day in a gallon Ziploc bag and write the calorie count on the bag. If I have a lower calorie one day I'll follow it up with a bigger calorie the next. If I'm on a hunt where weight isn't as much of an issue I'll bring more luxury foods.

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Dec 7, 2018
For a sheep hunt I am about 1.5 lbs per day and right around 3000 calories. Breakfast I run oatmeal or granola, and pre cooked bacon. I will put powdered milk in my granola then just add water when I'm ready to eat. During the day I mostly just snack. Trail mix, granola bars, to go peanut butter cups, bite size candy bars, Cliff bars, Gatorade bars, dehydrated fruits, tuna pack and pita bread, jerky. I will have a big meal at night such as MTN house, Mac n cheese, rice or pasta sides, just add water soup mix. General rule of thumb I try to look for 100 calories/oz. One big key for me is variety, if it don't sound good in the store it tends to not taste good to me in the field. I put each day in a gallon Ziploc bag and write the calorie count on the bag. If I have a lower calorie one day I'll follow it up with a bigger calorie the next. If I'm on a hunt where weight isn't as much of an issue I'll bring more luxury foods.

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Do you ever feel too hungry bringing 1.5 pounds of food and only snacking for lunch on a hunt?
Feb 9, 2019
At the 1.5 lbs/day the 100 calories/oz is critical. I will admit I do bring a few foods that do not hit that but if it lacks that it must make up somewhere else such as protein. What works for me is to keep the snack portions smaller but have a bigger quantity 7-10 a day. I will bring a couple hot lunches for a trip for if I'm glassing for a long period of time, but certainly not everyday. I am certainly ready for my big meal at the end of the day but rarely am I unbearably hungry by the end of the day.

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Dec 7, 2018
At the 1.5 lbs/day the 100 calories/oz is critical. I will admit I do bring a few foods that do not hit that but if it lacks that it must make up somewhere else such as protein. What works for me is to keep the snack portions smaller but have a bigger quantity 7-10 a day. I will bring a couple hot lunches for a trip for if I'm glassing for a long period of time, but certainly not everyday. I am certainly ready for my big meal at the end of the day but rarely am I unbearably hungry by the end of the day.

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Thanks for the info, I'll have to try that on some training hikes this summer. From Minnesota and only been out west a few times, this will be the first year going to do a true back country hunt for me.
Feb 9, 2019
I was born and raised in Minnesota, moved up to Alaska 8 yrs ago. That diet may not be for everyone and it is about learning what works for your body. I went on my first sheep hunt at about 2.3 lbs/day but have had time to get it dialed in. Trying it on a couple day training run is a great idea.

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May 9, 2019
Almonds are a must for me their the most fat- calories per oz of any nut, Pop tarts with peanut butter and pre cooked bacon as a sandwich,or oatmeal and bacon , lunch is a snack type deal with gorp,dried fruits,maybe a tortilla with tuna packet or chicken packet in it and a cheese stick, and almost always have a packet of water flavoring too, supper is cup of soup with chicken,tuna or spam packet in it, mh meal,or even Ramin with rice added along with chicken,tuna,or spam, the pasta sides and rice sides work great and are dirt cheap, as is tea bag style coffee pkts .or boulian cubes to make to drink and if I'm feeling like toteing the weight I'll bring along summer sausage to add into any of the meals.
Apr 5, 2015
I do freeze dried or home dried dinners. After trying a bunch of backcountry chef stuff, it is just too easy and light when I am watching weight. I look for about 500-600 calories and add something sweet for desert. Boil water. Eat from bag. No clean up apart from the spoon.

Lunch is usually a no cook. Bagels for day 1. Tortillas. Peanut butter. Honey packs. Crackers. Hard cheese and salami or summer sausage. Tuna packs. Chicken packs. Breakfast is cold granola or trail mix. I sometimes binge and do oatmeal or grits. I love grits with dried bacon and an olive oil pack. I will also mix in dried eggs.

I run about 6 snacks a day. Usually 3 bars and three single serves of nuts or something savory. Cheese crisps, chips, crackers. Something easy that stays in my top lid.

I eat pretty well and manage to keep it to 1.5-2# a day.
Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
I also pack for about 1.5 lbs./day, and pretty much just keep it simple. Two MH's/day (one breakfast, and one 2 serving dinner), lunch is just snacks like trail mix, jerky, a stick of salami, cheese, and sometimes power bars, although not very often, because I don't really like them. I always bring a block of cheese, usually about 1.5 lbs. of sharp cheddar, and I'll add it to my MH meals, along with snacking on it during the day. As long as I start my day with a meal for breakfast, I've never had an issue with being famished or overly fatigued by the end of the day. For what ever reason, it's more common for me to not be very hungry at the end of the day, and sometimes I'll have to force myself to eat a dinner.


Jan 28, 2018
N.E Ohio
It may be a little unorthodox i do the same two MH a day as Ak Troutbum does but i usually on a colder weather hunt (if i know the temps will be below 40) i bring a precooked baked potato wrapped in aluminum foil and a 8-10oz ribeye steak cooked rare in a vacuum bag. Really pics up my spirits when the cold is beating me down and i dont feel like the freeze dried stuff


Oct 8, 2017
This is what I’m taking for seven days this year

Breakfast: either half a MH b&gs or off grid oatmeal

Lunch: butthole sandwich

Dinner: half of a peak refuel chicken Alfredo

Snacks: 2 fun size paydays, clif builders bar cookies and cream flavor, pro bar chocolate and peanut butter, honey stinger waffle, homemade trail mix.

I think that’s every thing. Right around 3200 cals and a pound and a half a day if I remember right

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Oct 15, 2018
Kirkland, WA
Breakfast: Oatmeal

Lunch: Ramen (2 packs crushed and stored in a ziplock bag with the soup powder to reduce space)

Dinner: Homemade instant meals using some combination of quick-cook pasta, instant rice, dehydrated veggies, and freeze-dried chicken or beef

Snacks: Dried mangos, KIND bars, beef jerky, nut butter packets

I haven't counted the calories, but I think it's around 2200. Trying to shed some pounds of me though, so a small calorie defecit is fine by me.
Jan 25, 2018
This is what Snyder packs...just repeat for 7 days.



Jun 12, 2019
A lot of ultralight hikers and hunters go for the high fat diet, but your body will readily burn carbs before fat. So, I think it makes sense to replenish carbs with starches and simple sugars versus later/slower burning fats. Most people also feel groggy when burning fats (hence why dieting isn’t fun).

I like soft candy, maybe too much. I usually ration a bag of candy per day and some higher carb, moderate protein bars (such as Clif or builder bars). Clif bars contain the proper carb:protein ratio for muscle recovery. My lunch is more a bunch of snacks than a real meal. Nice to eat a snack, glass for a bit, repeat.

I’m 5’10”, 175 lbs and eat around 3000 calories per day.


Oct 4, 2017
What works wells for me is keeping a rather (not perfect) ketogenic diet. During the off-season I work on training my body for physically demanding periods of time with no fuel. For example, I do all my weighted hikes around 8-9am in the morning and won't have my first bite of food until noon or 1pm that day.

I certainly burn many more calories than I consume on my hunts but I never feel hungry or experience a lack of energy. I would also preface by saying I rarely do a backpack hunt in excess of 7 days with 5-7 the norm. It may also help that I'm 150 lbs on a good day.

My current meal plan (stove-less) looks like this:
Breakfast: InnoFoods Coconut Clusters
Lunch: Datrex Emergency Food Bar
Dinner: Greenbelly Meal2Go
Snacks: Frito Corn Chips, Trader Joe's Trail Mix, Banana Chips, Justin's Peanut Butter and an Almond Butter packet

Daily Totals: 2191 calories, 50g protein, 222g carbs, 131g fat, 67g sugar, 15.2 oz
Oct 6, 2014
What works wells for me is keeping a rather (not perfect) ketogenic diet. During the off-season I work on training my body for physically demanding periods of time with no fuel. For example, I do all my weighted hikes around 8-9am in the morning and won't have my first bite of food until noon or 1pm that day.

I certainly burn many more calories than I consume on my hunts but I never feel hungry or experience a lack of energy. I would also preface by saying I rarely do a backpack hunt in excess of 7 days with 5-7 the norm. It may also help that I'm 150 lbs on a good day.

My current meal plan (stove-less) looks like this:
Breakfast: InnoFoods Coconut Clusters
Lunch: Datrex Emergency Food Bar
Dinner: Greenbelly Meal2Go
Snacks: Frito Corn Chips, Trader Joe's Trail Mix, Banana Chips, Justin's Peanut Butter and an Almond Butter packet

Daily Totals: 2191 calories, 50g protein, 222g carbs, 131g fat, 67g sugar, 15.2 oz

I like your style. I have been paying more attention to how carbs and gluten effect my body and can definitely feel a difference when I go to a more paleo diet as well as intermittent fasting. Doing so has led to less 'bonking' on big days and generally feeling less hungry. Good tips on the Greenbelly Meals. I am going to check them out.
Mar 26, 2013
My first and second day meal is usually a 8 pcs chicken , bag of double stuff oreos and half of the large Pepperoni Piazza i ordered on fri night. The rest of the meals look like everyone elses


Jul 16, 2016
Power pucks.

- Ciabatta buns, toasted, brushed with butter (both sides), remove from oven add mayonnaise
- Moose burgers (8-10oz) with ample melted sharp cheddar cheese

Timing: When the buns are toasted/buttered/mayo'd, the burgers should be nearly finished - add the fresh (moist) burgers to the buns, let cool, then wrap in heavy duty tinfoil.

Amount: 4 total, 1/2 per day (usually dinner, sometimes lunch)

Warm to eat, or crush when cold.
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Aug 27, 2013
This year I looked at the prices of the healthy option backpacking meals, calculated how much I was going to spend on food for 10-12 days, and promptly bought a better dehydrator and a bunch of mylar bags.

Going to make my own Buckwheat, dried fruit, coconut, brown sugar concoction for breakfasts. And, a variation of chili for dinner.

Found some great bars at costco I have to go back and stock up on - lots of nuts, high fat, moderate / lower carb, no crappy ingredients in them. 150+ cal/oz I think.