Folding Knife Recommendations

+1 on Spyderco. I never particularly liked them until I found one while turkey hunting. 6 months earlier I had found a Kershaw Leak hiking to deer camp.

(Turns out I have a higher success rate of finding knives while hunting than killing animals)

The Spyderco has become my EDC. Love it. The Kershaw was okay but definitely prefer the Spyderco.
When I read military I was going to suggest Spyderco. It's funny to see so many others already have. I was gifted an engraved Spyderco Endura that was my favorite EDC knife until it was lost in baggage on a trip.
K1United’s post above is full of perfect recommendations. I personally have started to carry a small 2” blade fixed blade in sort of an appendix carry on my belt. I forget it’s there, and one less thing in my overfull front pockets.
I second the above recommendation of the Benchmade Adamas or mini Adamas in cruwear. I own a mini and can't find anything I don't like about it.
I have 2 ZT (zero tolerance) folders and I would buy them again in a heartbeat.

0450 CF and it's little brother 0462

Both of these knives are designed by Dmitry Sinkevich and his style is not for everyone. If you don't like that style then go with the tried and true model 0308 BLKTS - it's badass and calling my name........
Maybe Look into protech knives. I ran into the manufacture at a knife show. Advertised as. Small family owned American made company specializing in automatic knives for military and law enforcement. I have a 2.5” auto for edc. It makes a nice conversation piece. They use the same strength spring as the larger knives and you really have to hold onto it while opening it.
Benchmade 940 or Bugout. Axis Locke is very useful. They also have mini versions that are very good for everyday pocket knife carry. Easy to open/close one handed.

Otherwise, consider a fixed blade.
My buddy Maceij (magic) at crusader forge has some great eye candy to spur the imagination. Anyone who gets a chance to meet him is in for a treat.
Can't beat the carbon steel blades that Schrade offers in their Old Timer series of folding knives. Really easy to put a razor edge on those. Back in the day, we all swore by 'em. Still do. Buck 110 folders are the bomb as well, but stainless is not as quick nor as easy to sharpen.
I have the Benchmade mini-barrage and I sure love that model! It's been a great knife.
I really love the Benchmade 940. It’s a classic and just a great all around knife. However, the blade is not as good a slicer as the Spyderco PM2. Also, it utilizes the Axis lock which is great, but the omega spring it contains has been known to break. I’ve never had one break, but it does happen. I think the PM2 is an ideal choice for a soldier. Great steel available, the blade profile makes it a terrific slicer and the compression lock is rock solid. I also much prefer the feel of the PM2 vs the Para3.
Check out the FAQ at KnivesShipFree, here:

Lots of good info on steel, etc., and they have a great selection.
Showing my age and cheapness, but an old school Buck 110 Hunter is a helluva good and long lasting knife. I've been carrying them for 42 years. One in my pocket. One in truck door, one in Suburban door, 2 in my kitchen, one in girlfriend's purse. They just work. Hold a good edge and sharpen fairly easily.
Probably cleaned over 2,000 deer with them and cut up over 1500 deer with them. Cut up 60 pounds of chicken for an Easter cookout a couple weeks ago. 😋
Can't beat the carbon steel blades that Schrade offers in their Old Timer series of folding knives. Really easy to put a razor edge on those. Back in the day, we all swore by 'em. Still do. Buck 110 folders are the bomb as well, but stainless is not as quick nor as easy to sharpen.
Been sharpening 110s for 42 years. Can do it in my sleep 😴
I have a Zero Tolerance 0350 that I absolutely love. Built like a freaking ox and has handled everything I’ve thrown at it.

For a semi custom check out Toor Knives. Their folding lineup should fit nicely in your budget.
My brother is graduating from bootcamp in a few months and as a gift I'd like to get him a nice folding knife. I've mostly just been looking at Benchmade because I'm familiar with the quality, but open to other recommendations too.

Their selection is immense. Wanted to see what qualities he might find useful as a combat MP. My initial thought was a drop point blade with a serrated edge. I'm avoiding the auto open models because I don't think I can take ownership of those as a civilian.

As a hunter and outdoorsman I know what I would like out of a quality knife, but for you active and retired military members what features would you find important? Thanks!
Another vote for Spyderco. But I‘ll throw another in the mix. I prefer the Pacific Salt 2. That H1 blade is awesome if your activities include salt water.