FNG from Washington State

okie john

Apr 30, 2017
I’m a seasoned shooter but I’m old-school. I grew up shooting 4-position smallbore, NRA High Power Rifle, and NRA Bullseye pistol.

I was a 95B and an 11B in the Oklahoma National Guard for three years. Then I went active duty, serving as an 18C for six years on A-detachments in 1st SFG(A) and 7th SFG(A), and in two battalion-level staff slots. I left the military in 1992.

I grew up hunting white-tails in Oklahoma and Texas when it was fair-chase, before all the private land got leased and everyone started hunting from stands and feeders. I started hunting blacktails in Washington state about 25 years ago. I got my first Roosevelt's elk last year. I've also hunted feral cattle, goats, and hogs in Hawaii and boatloads of small game.

Let me know if you have questions.

Okie John