FNG from Sandy Oregon

Jun 21, 2024
Sandy OR
Thought I would post a little bit about myself. I live just five minutes from the Sandy river and fish hard for winter steelhead. Usually do pretty well. Hunt for blacktail up the Clackamas river when I don’t draw an eastern tag. Last year helped out a couple buddies on their antelope tags in the Whitehorse unit. They had to burn their points because they were both moving to Idaho. My buddy got a nice one but his brother came home with an empty tag. He didn’t find one that his son liked. 🤷
I used my 22 points for this years hunt. Been looking forward to this for a long time. I have three buddies coming on my hunt. One of them is the one who filled his tag last year. We will be leaving next week. I hope to share the hunt when I get back.