FNG from NC


Jun 23, 2023
North Carolina
I have been lurking for a bit and figured I might as well sign up and introduce myself. I live in NC and enjoy most things outdoors, particularly hunting, fishing, and camping. I even set some steel occasionally. I look forward to enjoying the site and participating in the conversations.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.

I am from the eastern end of the state. About halfway between Raleigh and the beach.
Nice profile pic. Are wood ducks y’all’s primary duck species?
Seems here in E Tennessee it’s either that or gadwall on good days. Though late season we get spooked mallards, too.
Nice profile pic. Are wood ducks y’all’s primary duck species?
Seems here in E Tennessee it’s either that or gadwall on good days. Though late season we get spooked mallards, too.
Thanks. That’s my buddy who recently passed away after 14 seemingly short years together. Wood ducks have been our bread and butter so to speak. We’d usually score a few teal and the random mallard in the course of a season. Between the pressure and low duck numbers on so much of our public water I stick to beaver swamps and local creeks where wood ducks are prevalent.
Have you been hunting bear, pigs and whitetails in the area? I am in Durham
Hey there! I don’t spend much time bear hunting anymore, and fortunately my area doesn’t have many pigs. They can be fun but most of us around here don’t want to see them establish. We’re eager to take them out when they show up. I do a good bit of deer hunting as well as ducks, turkeys, small game and woodcock.
Right on. Pigs are no bueno. If you ever need help with an eradication party lmk. The deer hunting was def strong this year. Hope you had a good season.