FNG from MA


Mar 25, 2024
FNG from the oh so firearm and hunter friendly state of MA. Been involved in firearms for a long time. Getting into hunting and planning a trip with some friends that are experienced hunters. Found Rokslide while looking for reviews on some hunting clothes and gear.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new Masshole member.


P.S. Oh how I have been waiting to officially welcome a member from the state where I escaped, er I mean lived, for 20 years. :D Where in MA?
Eddie, I'm jealous. I'm stuck here for the reasonably foreseeable future. I live in the 495/90 area.

I also appreciate a good movie reference. That's a great one. An intro I use every now and then is "Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.".


Glad to have another passionate hunter and firearms enthusiast on board. Indeed, Massachusetts provides many hunting and shooting opportunities. It's great that you have started hunting and are planning trips with fellow hunters.
Thanks. Took me forever to find a hunters ed course that was near me and fit my schedule. My friends were after me to do it for a while.
Welcome aboard — I’m a little ways down the pike from you. What are you trying to get into? Seeing a bunch of turkeys out your way the last few days!
Welcome aboard — I’m a little ways down the pike from you. What are you trying to get into? Seeing a bunch of turkeys out your way the last few days!
In MA, deer and turkey during shotgun season. I just got a bow, so that's in the future, but I've got a lot of practice time ahead of me before I'll feel confident and competent enough to hunt with it.

The turkeys are definitely starting to come out and show themselves around here. Several were walking down the road on my way to work the other day. Not quite yet, but soon, we'll probably see a bunch walking through our backyard (and I don't live on acres and acres of woods, we live in a developed neighborhood). Seems like each spring for a short period of time we get 15-20 that will walk through our neighborhood.
In MA, deer and turkey during shotgun season. I just got a bow, so that's in the future, but I've got a lot of practice time ahead of me before I'll feel confident and competent enough to hunt with it.

The turkeys are definitely starting to come out and show themselves around here. Several were walking down the road on my way to work the other day. Not quite yet, but soon, we'll probably see a bunch walking through our backyard (and I don't live on acres and acres of woods, we live in a developed neighborhood). Seems like each spring for a short period of time we get 15-20 that will walk through our neighborhood.
Cool — I’m mostly deer with the bow, but bagged my first turkey with one last and had a blast.

Good luck and welcome.