FNG from CO

Feb 22, 2016
Hello!!! Longtime lurker; I figured it is time to introduce myself.

I've been bowhunting since I was a kid; well, I took a couple of decades off and did a lot of rifle shooting and a little competing, and then a couple of years ago jumped back into bowhunting with both feet and I haven't looked back.

For awhile, I actually thought I was pretty good at hunting, living in the backcountry, etc. but recently I started spending some time with dudes who actually kill elk and I'm kinda seeing the light on just how much work I have to do so that's why I'm here.

Well you have a good start. You live in the state with the most elk and lots of public land. You'll be addicted to bowhunting elk shortly. Hope you have some money to piss away on nice equipment!
Good luck!
Oh, the money spending part I got covered...Hoyt bow, x3 packs, camera, lenses...
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