FNG from Arkansas

Jan 29, 2025
Hello from the Natural State. Pretty cool site y’all have here. I’ve been lurking for a while and finally decided to come out of the shadows because I saw something I wanted in the trading post, couldn’t get it, and I like to talk reloading.

anyway- I roll my own bullitts, collect lever guns and interesting bolt guns, kill Ozark Mountain whitetails and hunt flooded timber mallards. I like to travel out west and dream of my son and I chasing a nice muley or bull elk one day.

That’s my dating profile- thanks for having me.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new AR member.

Welcome to the site from a fellow Arky!
What part of the state do you like to call home?
I'm an old Perry County redneck myself :LOL: