Fng didnt know was a fng


Nov 9, 2023
What's up, just figured out what a fng was so i figured I should probably introduce myself and say howdy lol. I just joined a week or two ago, maybe little longer, I ended up falling into a trade deal that ended with me having a bear authority back in the early summer and immediately fell in love with shooting it and then tweaking the settings and learning how to do whatever maintenance and work on it that I could. After learning more about bow hunting, even though I've always hunted just never with a bow, and then learning about TAC and other things beyond just hunting, I ended up selling the bear and getting a Bowtech and searching for more information on bows and bowhunting, I eventually found my way onto Rokslide which led to this post. Anyhow, hello everyone.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new OK member.
