FMJ FOC Regrets


Feb 17, 2017
I've got a new dozen to mess around with and wanted to go with the 50gr brass insert - these things seem heavy! I was wondering if anyone regretted it? Then threw out arrows and started over? My current arrow is FMJ 5mm (340) at 30in with stock insert (13gr I think) 100gr broadhead and it flies great. Now I'm second guessing myself before I make the call to glue in the brass - anyone have any advice?
I shoot 300 fmjs with 75gr inserts and 100gr heads. Not the flattest trajectory but I like to stay inside of 60 yards so it's not really a big deal to me. They hit with authority and I'm not worried about adequate penetration on the chance of a less than perfect shot.
You could just build a couple with the inserts and see how they fly. If you don't like it then take 'em out and go back to your old set up.

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I shoot carbon injections @ 29in and ethics archery insert/outsert. They are about 485 i cant remember right now. This is out of a 64lb carbon matrix. They shoot 267fps. They fly like lasers and hit like a bulldozer.
I've got a new dozen to mess around with and wanted to go with the 50gr brass insert - these things seem heavy! I was wondering if anyone regretted it? Then threw out arrows and started over? My current arrow is FMJ 5mm (340) at 30in with stock insert (13gr I think) 100gr broadhead and it flies great. Now I'm second guessing myself before I make the call to glue in the brass - anyone have any advice?

Not a ton of information in your post related to what bow you are currently shooting. Personally, I would do the math on it and see where you are going to be. For me personally, I try to shoot as heavy an arrow as I can and still chrono in the 260-270 fps range.

Currently at 271 fps with 529g at 72lbs. Next season I will probably come down to 68lbs and see where she chronos.
Use hot melt to give yourself the ability to swap inserts down the road. I secure all my inserts with Bohning Ferr-L-Tite Cool Flex for just this reason. I've had no problems with hot melted inserts pulling out, but if that were a concern, you could epoxy them in after dialing in your setup.
Order 150 or 175 grain practice heads. That's the easiest thing I have found to do. That gives you an idea of what your trajectory will be. Might be hard to find them for 5mm. But if you are shooting a foam target it shouldn't matter. It's hateful with a bag target.
Not a ton of information in your post related to what bow you are currently shooting. Personally, I would do the math on it and see where you are going to be. For me personally, I try to shoot as heavy an arrow as I can and still chrono in the 260-270 fps range.

Currently at 271 fps with 529g at 72lbs. Next season I will probably come down to 68lbs and see where she chronos.
Shooting a Prime Centergy 64lbs / 263 fps / 30in draw / current FMJ is 495gr -
Thanks fellas - I was planning on doing 2 (50/75) - fmj's are pricey to test!