Flying AA with Elk Antlers


Oct 10, 2019
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey all.

I’m heading to Utah to hunt elk in 3 weeks, and am trying to figure out logistically how to get as much home as i can on one flight. Between my carryon, and checked tote, i should be able to get most the meat back. The question comes to the antlers. I wrote to ask them specifics, and I received this back:

“I kindly confirm you that antlers are not counted as piece of baggage, they're counted as specific sport item and is independently of the regular baggage that you check, so the price for each piece of the combination or cradle of up to 2 racks of antlers is $150.00 and this needs to be up to 70lbs and 126 linear inches, as the antler must be as free of residue as possible and the skull must be wrapped and tips protected there's not other specification for its transport regarding should the skull should be split or not, in that specific question I recommend you verify with the state where the antlers are bein transported if there's any regulations about that topic.”

With that being said, I’m assuming a good size 5x5, let’s say we get lucky and hit something in the 330” range, would not make those measurements unless split. If split and stacked on each other, would they? Does anyone have any experience with this?

I know, drive and you don’t have to worry. I can’t take the additional days off work to drive. Any real life experience would be helpful. Thanks all, happy hunting!


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Buddy and myself dropped our heads off at a taxidermist and had him euro mount and build a crate and ship it to us. With what the airlines were going to charge us to fly with them we got them freight shipped for the same price and avoided dealing with the airlines. Worked out for us
Delta shipped ours back. Had to cover the points and head. Weird but worked. Treated it like a normal bag.


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Another option is to wrap and ship back UPS with clothes. I measure/record tips to tips and cut skull in half.

Also, it probably depends on how much meat you are flying back. I normally check 3x50 lb bags of meat + gun and carry the rest in my pack and dry sack onto plane.

Have fun!
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Another option is to wrap and ship back UPS with clothes. I measure/record tips to tips and cut skull in half.

Also, it probably depends on how much meat you are flying back. I normally check 3x50 lb bags of meat + gun and carry the rest in my pack and dry sack onto plane.

Have fun!

So according to the message above from AA, this is not included in my baggage count or weight, it is a separate sports item and its $150 to ship, im just subject to the 126 linear inches. I was planning on flying down with gun, 2nd tote with gear in it and duffelinside and soft side cooler, as well as my day pack worn on the plane. If successful I can put up to 100lbs in the tote on the way back, put those clothes in the duffel and check that, ad carry on another 30-40lbs. That's the plan right now anyway

Thank you! we've been waitin on this hunt for 3yrs and now its here.
I’ve seen people cut up a garden hose to cover the antler tips for flying/shipping. Similar to Scooters pic
We checked 12 bags including gear, boxes of meat and head - $880

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Holy Hell! Good work lol. I am flying Alaska Airlines next September for our Caribou hunt up in 23, assuming it isn't closed. Apparently they are very hunter/fisherman friendly. I should of clarified I am flying American Airlines (miles credit card, so flight and frst bag are free). to get all your stuff back with you at once, 880 doesnt seem that bad. My buddy paid over 1k for all of his elk last year, flown in on a cargo plane i believe.
Hey all.

I’m heading to Utah to hunt elk in 3 weeks, and am trying to figure out logistically how to get as much home as i can on one flight. Between my carryon, and checked tote, i should be able to get most the meat back. The question comes to the antlers. I wrote to ask them specifics, and I received this back:

“I kindly confirm you that antlers are not counted as piece of baggage, they're counted as specific sport item and is independently of the regular baggage that you check, so the price for each piece of the combination or cradle of up to 2 racks of antlers is $150.00 and this needs to be up to 70lbs and 126 linear inches, as the antler must be as free of residue as possible and the skull must be wrapped and tips protected there's not other specification for its transport regarding should the skull should be split or not, in that specific question I recommend you verify with the state where the antlers are bein transported if there's any regulations about that topic.”

With that being said, I’m assuming a good size 5x5, let’s say we get lucky and hit something in the 330” range, would not make those measurements unless split. If split and stacked on each other, would they? Does anyone have any experience with this?

I know, drive and you don’t have to worry. I can’t take the additional days off work to drive. Any real life experience would be helpful. Thanks all, happy hunting!


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I think the person who crafted that reply is the same guy who keeps sending me emails about an inheritance from an unknown, distant relative and tried to scam me on Gunbroker. I'm glad he found honest work answering airline inquiries.
My son shot a 5X5 and we just fly home on Delta out of Missoula. Delta charges 150 for your 3rd checked bag, my two son's and I each checked a bow case, duffle bag, and cooler of meat. So it cost 450 to fly meat home, but no issues and we have some of the best meat on the planet in the freezer. We were lucky and a fellow Pa elk hunter was hunting just over the border in Idaho and we dropped the skull mount off and he is bringing it home in his trailer. We had a guy in Montana do the skull mount and he had it done in a day and half. We bought some of the pipe insulation and wrapped the tips.

I wanted to add in case someone is flying for a hunt, you are only allowed one box or cooler of meat with dry ice on a regional jet. So if you have a connection flight on a smaller jet your meat will get separated and may arrive on a later flight. So always try and book a flight that doesn't need a connection flight on a regional jet and also look into flying first class. The ticket agent in Missoula for Delta said flying first class may cost a little more but you pay less in baggage fees and lots of times it's cheaper going first class if you plan on killing some critters.
My son shot a 5X5 and we just fly home on Delta out of Missoula. Delta charges 150 for your 3rd checked bag, my two son's and I each checked a bow case, duffle bag, and cooler of meat. So it cost 450 to fly meat home, but no issues and we have some of the best meat on the planet in the freezer. We were lucky and a fellow Pa elk hunter was hunting just over the border in Idaho and we dropped the skull mount off and he is bringing it home in his trailer. We had a guy in Montana do the skull mount and he had it done in a day and half. We bought some of the pipe insulation and wrapped the tips.

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That’s awesome, way to go!

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One suggestion is to split the skull. You can buy a “sport tube” which is a generic hard case tube that extends and is designed for everything from skis to golf clubs to finishing poles. Split Antler would fit in there.