Ryan K Sanpei
As I mentioned before, I've done a bunch of test in the past, but I've never documented them. Now that I have some spare time here and there, I've decide to retest a few things that I feel has helped me in terms of tuning my bowhunting rigs.
I've played around with fletching for years. From 2" to 5", parabolics to shields, two fletch to four fletch, 90 degrees to 120 degrees, and even tried staggering my fletches.
For this test, all I'm comparing is two different fletch orientations and it's impact off of the riser.
***Please keep in mind that these results are also affected by the size and shape of the arrow shelf and strike plate, which is one reason why testing results vary.
I've played around with fletching for years. From 2" to 5", parabolics to shields, two fletch to four fletch, 90 degrees to 120 degrees, and even tried staggering my fletches.
For this test, all I'm comparing is two different fletch orientations and it's impact off of the riser.
***Please keep in mind that these results are also affected by the size and shape of the arrow shelf and strike plate, which is one reason why testing results vary.
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