Working out is extremely important especially once you hit 45 or so. Prior to that it's fairly easy to get into a reasonable ElkShape if you really apply yourself. It doesn't matter if you are in flatland country or in the mountains, most of us must have a training program of some kind to maintain the endurance & stamina that elk hunting demands on our bodies.
For those of us beyond that age we generally have to have a pretty serious routine to STAY in ElkShape year around. Too, it helps if you enjoy doing it, if you do not you will find excuses to pass them by. Having the desire to archery elk hunt in our Run & Gun style demands you'd best be in decent shape or the mountains will beat you down. The Elk Do Not Care If You Are Not In Shape, it's up to us!
This is my workout routine I do year around, it works for me & I'm sure it will work for others too. I started this routine many years ago, it has helped me not just pack myself around but also over 150 loads of elk on my back. You will get out of it what you put into it! I'm 5'7" & 150# - I'll be 65 in April & have no plans of slowing down!
Hope this helps!
I stretch out 7 days a week, only takes 10 minutes.
It contains 25 jumping jacks, 7 lunges per leg with no weights, I reach/stretch into the air while hands are against a wall for 20 seconds, 25 toe raises to stretch calves, 12 squats with arms out straight with no weights, 30 pushups, take 10 second break & do 25 more. Rapidly jog in place for 30 seconds.
I stretch just before using any weights first with the above routine. I lift on Monday Wed. & Friday.
1 - I stand with 35# in each hand & hold in front of me against my body not up on my shoulders, I keep back straight with feet spread width of shoulders & squat down so weight touches floor, make sure your legs do all the work not your back. 3 sets, one 12 - one 14 - one 16 times. At the end of each set without putting weight down I toe raise with same weight 20-25 times, I then do 10 upright rows & 10 reverse curls with same weight, that motion is lifting the weight to the military position & back down to my waist. I put down that weight & now grab two 20# dumbbells & do lunges, I also do 3 sets of 7 -8-10 per leg. -- One set of the squats, curls, upright rows & lunges before doing 2nd & 3rd sets.
2 - I take 2 - 15# dumbbells & do flys with them while standing up. 3 sets of - 7-8-10 with each arm. After each set of flys to my sides I then do the same movement but instead of to my side I do them in front of me, I raise from them from my thighs to straight out in front with a slightly bent elbow. Do both before setting weight down & moving on to next set.
3 - No name for this exercise! I use 45# -- I lay on my back on the floor with the barbell/dumbbell behind my head on the ground, I take the weight & lift straight up & over body to my waist until arms are nearly straight out, I do 3 sets - 8 - 10 - 15 -- After each set with weight still in hand I do like 20-30 bench presses with it for fun & to tire the muscles a bit.
4 - This is one arm curls with dumbbells, I do 3 sets with 40# each arm. I do a set of 6 each & 8 each. Then I do 2 sets of 45# of 6 each & 8 each.
5 - Now I use what's called a Triceps bar, It has 65# on it. It's designed so when held you grip vertical bars with each hand so palms closed face each other. Starting position is weight is at thighs & now you lift to your chin, I do a set of 8 then military press for 8 reps at the same time. I then do 10 & 12 for a 3 set total!
6 - Curls with two hands on angled curling bar. (a straight bar will also work) I use 80# & do 3-4 sets of 6-7-8-10
As season gets two months out I sorta race through this workout to build more endurance!
Al this takes me an hour & 15 minutes to an hour & 30 minutes. Depends on how I feel that day or if I add a little touch here & there! (grin) Adjust weight capacity to fit your needs!
several months ago I quit doing bench because I have no room for the bench at our new place! I do all this in home, no gym!
I also Run/Jog 1-1/2 to 3 miles every Tues, Thurs, & Sat. I generally don't run on workout days! I take Sunday off or trade a Sat for it if needed!
3 months before the elk opener I add a pack with 30# to 60# & will alternate Running days with Pack carrying every other time!
I do this year around so no stopping & starting on a certain date!