How much wind is too much wind?


Dec 23, 2018
I feel like this is relevant to moose and I have a moose hunt next year so I figured I would throw this up in the moose section as well. I just got back from 4 days elk hunting, we got 5 inches of snow and had constant wind about 20 mph with gusts up to 40. We never saw an animal before coming home. there are always exceptions but how much wind is too much for elk to want to move around? I've tagged out on this OTC unit for the last 5 years in a row so I feel good about knowing where the elk like to hang around, we hiked hoping to find some track in the snow but either the elk didn't get up or the wind blew over their track and i'm not a good enough tracker to know the difference which is very possible. When you're out in the field and the wind is ripping at what point do you stay in the tent vs get out to call and glass?
Spent 10 days in Alaska in September moose hunting. My hunting partner shot his moose the 2nd day of the trip. The transporter couldn't pick up his meat for 5 days because it was too windy to fly. We sat out in the wind/rain and saw multiple moose all 5 of those days. Was easily gusts over 40. Not sure if any of them even heard our calling but they were moving and we wouldn't have known if we tucked tail and sat in the tent. Dates were Sept 13 - 23.