Flashlights - SureFire, Malkoff, SkyLumen, etc.


Apr 8, 2018
I am thinking about some flashlight changes. I currently take a ZebraLight H600c Mk IV (4000K High CRI) headlamp and a SkyLumen XVIII with me when hunting. (I also have a few more SkyLumens - XXI, Noctigon KR1vn and SL2c.) The XVIII is good, but it gets hot pretty quickly. I'm now debating whether to get another SureFire (I have a SureFire 6PX Pro for bedstand, and a currently unused StreamLight ProTac HL) or go down the Malkoff path. I know @Marbles has a Malkoff, but can anyone else give me some advice (including to stay away and avoid the rabbit holes) before I invest some serious time and $?
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I stopped looking at SureFire and Streamlight after getting a Malkoff. If Malkoff makes something that fits your needs, you should give them a try.
I stopped looking at SureFire and Streamlight after getting a Malkoff. If Malkoff makes something that fits your needs, you should give them a try.
Thanks. After a bit more digging, I thought you might say that. From a rookie's perspective, it seems a bit daunting as to where to start. Buy direct from Malkoff, go to Kosen or another company, etc. And then I found Elzetta. And HDC. And terms like "duel fuel" and why a rechargeable isn't always as good as primaries (and which explains why my SkyLumens drain so quickly). More time to look around/waste.
I have always bought direct from Malkoff.
Some of his lights can be used with 18650s or CR123s, at least one of my 2 can be, though I have never done it.

When I was looking a few years back, the MDC Bodyguard was what I would consider the best option available for self defense. The UI is very simple. If you want a general use flashlight, not the best choice for the very features that make it a great defensive light.

Personally, I have found a small AAA light more useful for day to day and carrying a Prometheus Beta for that.
I have always bought direct from Malkoff.
Some of his lights can be used with 18650s or CR123s, at least one of my 2 can be, though I have never done it.

When I was looking a few years back, the MDC Bodyguard was what I would consider the best option available for self defense. The UI is very simple. If you want a general use flashlight, not the best choice for the very features that make it a great defensive light.

Personally, I have found a small AAA light more useful for day to day and carrying a Prometheus Beta for that.
Thanks. Like every good rabbit hole, this one is deep.

I am just now figuring out the debate of rechargeable vs primaries. And while I'm not tactical, I like the idea of primaries in some of my FLs (cars, as examples) - especially because the rechargeable batteries tend to deplete much more quickly, even when not in use. Although I decided to schedule battery replacements, I realize I may skip or forget. I also just purchased a ZTS Mini battery tester so I can periodically check them. Or at least plan/intend to do so.

Well said on the UI. I want something for SD that goes immediately to hi, but with an option for low if I think about it. The normal and most likely use is for low, so I get the Prometheus (probably similar to a ToolVN I sometimes carry, which will go to pretty bright with some thought.
I've always been a streamlight or surefire guy for my handhelds. Switched to a Fenix PD36R and absolutely love it. It's bright when I need it and will make my back yard look like daytime, but for most times I am able to use it on one of the lower settings. I'm also not chewing through batteries and recharge it as needed.
Zebralight SC65hi is great and seems like the easy button for a general use ruggedized-ish flashlight with a versatile UI. The SC600hi is definitely brighter but is also larger.

Malkoff HA TAC always comes on on ‘high’, as was already said the Bodyguard was designed for defensive use.

I have no idea if it’s worth the premium to you but the Kosen MD2 with twist ring looks slick given your UI desires. It’s also pretty big, and 3500k seems subpar for defensive use.

The one you actually carry is going to be the most useful, it’s probably worth seeing what you’d be willing to carry and going from there.
I think the ideal flashlight comes on high first button push no matter what, then a quick second push to something much lower for the normal admin stuff. For years I have used a Surefire Backup, it’s excellent and 100% dependable.

Recently got a Streamlight Wedge XT and I must say the flat rectangular form factor is a game changer for keeping in your pocket all day. I don’t trust Streamlight long term, but this has made me decide I definitely want to invest in a Surefire Stiletto Pro.
I ended up with a few - HDS, Elzetta and Malkoff. If anyone is interested, I will report back.
Huge fan of my HDS rotary. It's my EDC and goes with me as backup to my headlamp. That's rotary dial is unmatched in terms of ease of use.