First Time Mule Deer Hunt - DIY West River South Dakota

Sleeping in the tent is cheaper than staying in a hotel. Plus, I like to test out new gear- tents, bags, dehydrated meals etc on hunts where things aren’t as crucial if you would get the squirts or something failed you. Then, when you head to the backcountry, you’re more prepared.
Leaving a boat tied up on Oahe could get dicey. One of our storm rolls in might be walking along ways been on one of those recovery missions.
Hmm in the 22 years I was a SD resident, I don’t think I could count the number of storms I had a boat tied to the shore for and have never had an issue. Sure doesn’t sound fun though lol pretty sure I’d call someone to come get me
Sleeping in the tent is cheaper than staying in a hotel. Plus, I like to test out new gear- tents, bags, dehydrated meals etc on hunts where things aren’t as crucial if you would get the squirts or something failed you. Then, when you head to the backcountry, you’re more prepared.
I guess it’s cheaper but being able to move or drive to another area if you want to be successful here is more important.
Hmm in the 22 years I was a SD resident, I don’t think I could count the number of storms I had a boat tied to the shore for and have never had an issue. Sure doesn’t sound fun though lol pretty sure I’d call someone to come get me
I have been in Mobridge for 24 years now and twice every boat has been blown out of the marina. Went and got two different people who had boats swamped with waves crashing the shore. For some one that doesn’t know the lake and come in the fall it could get dicey fast. Most guys beaching boats are not running 21’ rangers
I have been in Mobridge for 24 years now and twice every boat has been blown out of the marina. Went and got two different people who had boats swamped with waves crashing the shore. For some one that doesn’t know the lake and come in the fall it could get dicey fast. Most guys beaching boats are not running 21’ rangers
That is bizarre. Every boat? Someone needs to teach yall how to tie a knot, I’ve been in marinas after literal hurricanes that still had boats haha to be fair I’ve seen plenty of others’ boats blow away but pretty much always preventable.
But I didn’t even recommend this, just said it’s about the only way be far enough from a road to need backpacking (reading back now he actually just says camping which makes way more sense).
That is bizarre. Every boat? Someone needs to teach yall how to tie a knot, I’ve been in marinas after literal hurricanes that still had boats haha to be fair I’ve seen plenty of others’ boats blow away but pretty much always preventable.
But I didn’t even recommend this, just said it’s about the only way be far enough from a road to need backpacking (reading back now he actually just says camping which makes way more sense).
Boats were still tied to the docks ripped them out of the shore anchors. They can’t be permanently anchored with the lake freezing every year and how much the water goes up and down.

I can’t think of anywhere that’s more than a 30 minute boat ride from the nd boarder to Pierre . then the hike isn’t very far till your off coe land or even the big walk ins . It’s not even legal to camp on either so you would have to be on private land . Unless there is some blm is butts up to.
yup there’s BLM all over. Have also slept in the boat many times.
There is no blm north of the Cheyenne River and only a few pieces north of Pierre on the west side of Oahe. Even less of them butt up to the Coe land. Can’t camp on any of the Sd state land.
There is no blm north of the Cheyenne River and only a few pieces north of Pierre on the west side of Oahe. Even less of them butt up to the Coe land. Can’t camp on any of the Sd state land.
I hunt south of the rez and there’s a lot of BLM and that which doesn’t directly abut COE is easily accessible with section lines. And you can still sleep on the boat regardless of the land regs.

But I really don’t understand what you’re trying to do here? I simply said it’s rare that you would ever need to backpack hunt and listed one rare example, not even recommending it. Your response is to say that there are risks to that exception and that you don’t understand how to camp near the lake, which is totally irrelevant to the question and the point I was making. You keep taking some small part of what I say and point out that it doesn’t apply everywhere. Well no shit. So what are you trying to get at? Is this your hunt style and you’re trying to make it sound bad in hopes that other don’t do it? Or what’s going on here…
Check out the Brockhouse brothers on youtube and instagram. While I think they make some pretty questionable shots, they are super successful in South Dakota. Hope this helps.
I hunt south of the rez and there’s a lot of BLM and that which doesn’t directly abut COE is easily accessible with section lines. And you can still sleep on the boat regardless of the land regs.

But I really don’t understand what you’re trying to do here? I simply said it’s rare that you would ever need to backpack hunt and listed one rare example, not even recommending it. Your response is to say that there are risks to that exception and that you don’t understand how to camp near the lake, which is totally irrelevant to the question and the point I was making. You keep taking some small part of what I say and point out that it doesn’t apply everywhere. Well no shit. So what are you trying to get at? Is this your hunt style and you’re trying to make it sound bad in hopes that other don’t do it? Or what’s going on here…
My point is some one coming out and thinking they can just take a boat out and park on the shoreline on Oahe and hunt all over is misleading. That sleeping or camping in a boat is more of a hassle than it’s worth and not knowing the lake you can get in trouble fast. Maybe the definition of a lot differs as in my eyes there isn’t that much blm along the lake from Pierre to the Cheyenne . Minus the one big walk in there really isn’t that much in public general . There is more on the south side of the Cheyenne than the west side of Oahe .
My point is some one coming out and thinking they can just take a boat out and park on the shoreline on Oahe and hunt all over is misleading. That sleeping or camping in a boat is more of a hassle than it’s worth and not knowing the lake you can get in trouble fast. Maybe the definition of a lot differs as in my eyes there isn’t that much blm along the lake from Pierre to the Cheyenne . Minus the one big walk in there really isn’t that much in public general . There is more on the south side of the Cheyenne than the west side of Oahe .
Thousands of huntable acres broken up into various pieces is enough for me to shoot a deer. And a boat is well worth it to me because it’s fun. Not knowing what you’re doing is clearly a risk, but i refuse to make myself responsible for other people’s safety. I don’t much care for nanny states and believe in personal responsibility. To be clear again, I never recommended this to anyone.

I was agreeing with you that camping is almost never needed or even beneficial as there’s not many places that you can’t walk to in <2 miles. Only benefit is if you’re trying to save money on rooms or if you enjoy it. Feel like we are now just going in circles so I’m going to remove notifications for this thread haha

Cheers mate, and good luck this fall. Maybe I’ll run into out there sometime
I realize this was from a few years ago, but is there any chance you could list some of the most essential gear you needed obviously aside from the obvious (bow, arrows, clothes, etc.) . As you and your friend did, my buddy and I are planning a Muley Archery hunt in September of 2025. DIY camping style. Just looking for some items that may be forgotten in the planning stages of this archery hunt. Thanks!
It sounds like the experts of SD think camping is smart and stupid at the same time, can be done with a tent, will render you stinky and showerless, a boat is frowned upon in storms, and somehow camping makes it more difficult to move locations than staying at a literal permanent structure.

Conclusion...Do whatever the hell you want, enjoy the adventure, and have fun!
Well, sometimes things change in an instant!

I was headed back to our campsite right at sunset, following a cattle path. I came around a bend and there was a buck standing on top of a small hump, on the same cattle path, looking straight at me. I couldn’t get a shot off before he bolted but I was able to catch up as he stood broadside on the side of a draw looking down at me. I missed (twice!) but he only moved slightly up the hill after each shot. Third shot I ranged him at 211 yards, had a better rest, and dropped him right where he stood. My first ever mule deer!


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Congrats on the successful hunt!