Need a new rangefinder. Should I go all in on affordable solver binos instead

Mar 27, 2017
North Carolina
I have 10x42 leica trinovid hd, kestrel 5700, used sig ranger and sold it last year figuring I would upgrade but it did work fine.

I use mostly applied ballistics, and print off dope charts for hunting usually, for comps I mostly shoot prs input stated ranges into kestrel for dope at each stage.

Now I’m wondering if I should sell the leicas and just go to Fury 5000 AB to integrate the lrf and kestrel into the binos for most quick and dirty uses.

Little hesitant on the glass quality but my mind is telling my I don’t need the difference and what I need is less steps in the process and notably less things to lose/misplace when I’m getting my gear ready.

Any opinions?
I think it's a VERY wise decision, it's direction I'm currently changing to. Less devices and simpler to do the math. Less work, faster, more efficient.