First mature buck

Congratulations on the buck! Curious if you ever heard back from the biologist?
Congratulations on the buck! Curious if you ever heard back from the biologist?
Yes i did, he would summer high and then make his way down to the lower elevation. He was collared in December of 2022. The total distance from summer to winter range was about 5 miles, his migration path was about the same every year. Still need to send the tooth in for age analysis.
Yes i did, he would summer high and then make his way down to the lower elevation. He was collared in December of 2022. The total distance from summer to winter range was about 5 miles, his migration path was about the same every year. Still need to send the tooth in for age analysis.
That's awesome the biologist got back to you! Great data to know in regards to mule deer migration and their summer/winter movement.
Awesome story and life sure can throw some curveballs. You demonstrated how hard work and perseverance pays off and congrats!