First Lite or Kuiu...what's better overall?

Jan 9, 2015
Hey guys I know this is the same old record getting played but I sure could use your help. I own both brands and love both. I give a slight edge up on fit and material to the outerwear from Kuiu and a edge up to First Lite on merino wool baselayers and the fusion pattern.

However I'm getting out of the Oilfield and want to streamline my collection for obvious financial reasons,besides I have no need for the exact same collections but in two different companies/camos. I may as well just stick to one.

Which would be the better investment over time? Which has better customer service overall,availability, ownership,quality?

Any productive feedback is helpful. Thanks!
Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
I prefer FL for several reasons. The base layers are much more durable. Their sizing is consistent, some may not like their sizing because they think it runs big, but at least its consistent unlike Kuiu where the same person's collection could consist of 3 different sizes depending on the item. I have had to deal with FL for 1 warranty issue and it was extremely pleasant (the shoulder pocket was falling off my Halstead). It took about a week and I had a new Halstead and a 25% off coupon. I've had some okay experiences with Kuiu CS but they take more of a "this is how it is" approach instead of a "what can we do" approach. Haven't had any huge issues, but some minor ones (also took a while to get a refund once).

Who has the better quality is arguable and subjective so I won't get into it. I know some will take exception to this, but since you asked about ownership I'll say it: I would much rather support Kenton than Jason.


Jun 17, 2014
SW Virginia
No Kuiu experience but I really like my FL gear. I have multiple items and have been very pleased with all of them. I also like what I hear from the FL guys on various Podcasts regarding business and their involvement in conservation. Good luck.

God Bless.
Jan 9, 2015
So far I'm digging First lite a little more. I feel like with first lite I'm helping support a family member or friend not just a talented camo company.Not that Kuiu is personal at all. I guess the only bones to pick with First Lite that I have is they don't have a puffy like Kuiu that you can layer and it still be quiet, the Kenai is pretty stinking quiet and their soft shell line is noticeably quieter than the FL north Branch line. Other than that I'm pretty satisfied.
Feb 16, 2015
The only thing I haven't returned from Kuiu has been their down glassing mittens and their gaiters....both of those are awesome. Everything else I've tried (a few different baselayers, pants and jackets...and an ultra and Icon pro packs...) I wasn't a fan of. I have a setup of Sitka and FL now and have really enjoyed all of my FL pieces.
May 6, 2012
I think the FL base layers are a million miles ahead of KUIU. In fact, it is no comparison. I am quite shocked Jason hypes up the "Merino Wool Company" when they are so far inferior to FL, Ice Breaker, even Sitka wool.

KUIU Attacks pants are the best pants ever made IMO. The Chugache Rain Gear is best on the market by a long shot IMO.

I guess I like them both for different reasons.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
The politics of the two companys aside, a lot of things with respect to clothing items must be personal preference, because as far as Merino wool goes, and I have tried just about everything, the Kuiu Nuwool 145 long sleeve shirt and the old type Merino 210 are two of my favorite pieces of Merino wool ever. Are they super durable?...No, but neither are my First Lite Red Desert boxers. I destroy a pair of those boxers every year, but I keep getting them because they are so damn comfortable...much more comfortable than the couple of more durable/thicker First Lite merino wool shirts that I have had. So, a lot is about personal preference and what you want out of a garment, but usually there are sacrifices that have to be made somewhere with respect to comfort vs. durability, breathability vs. waterproofness, etc. Like Aron Snyder said I think, "Honey, you can't shoot a cannon and have it kick like a .22 rifle...they just can't make that."
Jan 9, 2015
Very true. My curiosity is to why I hear Kuiu is better quality. I've had both for awhile and can't tell really any leaps and bounds of one over the other. Yeah I have noticed my Guide DCS jacket is noticeably quieter than my North Branch Jacket but that's about it so far.
Feb 24, 2012
I like both. I think firstlites base layers are amazing! Better than other company's.

I like KUIUs outer wear. Their pants and rain gear etc
Jan 9, 2015
Seems the general consensus I'm getting from friends and some forums including this one is Kuiu may have a slight edge on outerwear performance but First Lite is a more personal company, innovative camo pattern and more involved in the conservation movement not to mention amazing baselayers.
Dec 27, 2012
I get an awesome deal with First Lite because I'm an active duty guy. I also have never had any issues with FL so far. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I think too many guys on here worry about what everyone else does or has and doesn't spent enough time figuring it out for themselves. Gotta get outta moms basement a little more often.


Apr 21, 2014
I like FL wool for around town but it's to heavy in pure weight compared to Kuiu wool. Unfortunately 100% wool also stretches out which sucks day 3 of a hunt. I found Kuiu 145 is their best and I would stay away from the 210. Outerwear well Kuiu is less expensive and better fit for me. Both use quality materials and I would buy either of these over the big corporate companies.
Jan 9, 2015
I get an awesome deal with First Lite because I'm an active duty guy. I also have never had any issues with FL so far. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I think too many guys on here worry about what everyone else does or has and doesn't spent enough time figuring it out for themselves. Gotta get outta moms basement a little more often.

I agree,I've used both in the field quite a bit and have yet to discover any edge of one over the other. Like I stated above, other than the Kuiu fabrics being slightly quieter I can't really tell a major difference between the two.
Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
Very true. My curiosity is to why I hear Kuiu is better quality. I've had both for awhile and can't tell really any leaps and bounds of one over the other. Yeah I have noticed my Guide DCS jacket is noticeably quieter than my North Branch Jacket but that's about it so far.

The downside to the NB jacket is that the wind goes right through it. It is relatively waterproof but the wind cuts through it pretty easily IMO. I don't think Kuiu's softshells have the same issue and I know Sitka's don't. I wouldn't give up my NB pants for late season or bird hunting though.

I would agree that the Kuiu rain gear is probably better, but I look forward to giving the new Vapor from FL a shot. I've been told that they fixed my 2 biggest concerns which are the length of the cut and the weight/compress-ability. The Cirrus jacket is interesting, but I'm not sure I'll get it as I am pretty happy with the warmth on the Unpernoucable, but I do like the idea of no hood. I'm also interested to see the differences between the Sancutary and Woodbury are.
Jan 9, 2015
Yeah I just washed my NB stuff with a little bit of Baking Soda to soften it up. Plus I've been wearing it for awhile and it is still very loud and has that crinkle sound to it on top of the "tent fabric material" sound when the sleeves brush up against the body.