How far will a herd go when they get spooked


May 9, 2018
I came upon a herd of elk but got winded when I was making a play on the bull. They scattered and went over two ridges. How far do you guys think they might have gone?
Just depends, I’ve watched desert elk travel 20 miles, Rosie’s 500 yards. Considerations include availiable food and water sources and cover.
Any where from two ridges to the next county/state. Difficult to say, how bad were they spooked, have they been hunted a lot, what type of cover/feed is near are some things to consider. Elk are very mobile.
I think overall pressure plays into it too. How much have they been getting spooked/harassed? I've seen elk come back to the same spot for a couple days after catching wind, but then move areas when they were getting too much pressure.
My experience has always been that getting winded moves the elk farther and more permanently (in general) than either being seen or heard, but if that was those elks first run in with a hunter this year, who knows.
How far is the Closest Private Property?
If three idiots come blazing up their four wheelers on a "closed road" and start talking in normal voices about 2/3's of a mile up the drainage then the Elk will run about 2 1/2 miles away and up and over the three adjacent drainages in the opposite direction! It is a real special feeling watching those Elk go over the ridge in the opposite direction. Especially after working them for three days and finally having them all figured out and about to walk right into your set up.
It seems to me that they like to put about 15-20 minutes as an average. Some areas thst is 500 yards....some it's 2 miles.
I’ve seen them go up and out of straight shale canyons. Depends how hard you bust em. They might be back in a few days though.
The old say goes.....when elk are walking you need to run to keep up....when they're running you need to be driving!
My advice…go find new elk. Those are gone. If they spook and wind is good sometimes you can catch up to them again, this happened to me this morning before I effed it up the second time, then they were gone. 😂
Just returned from an unsuccessful elk hunt here, and a similar thing happened. Anyone have any insight on when it would be good to return to the busted area? (I know that's probably a tough question) Or is it really even worth checking the spot again?
Been winded multiple times in the last week, they go a few hundred yards and settle back down. Where you’re hunting can make a difference. AZ where I am now they don’t get too excited, OR where I live they tend to go quite a ways unless it’s in a low tag area in the NE.