First Elk Hunt Question- Archery Colorado


Feb 14, 2019
So my buddy and I are from Maryland. I have never been west of the Mississippi ;)

We have decided to drive out this year to Colorado for an OTC backpack archery hunt. Every time I think I have a game plan for unit selection I realize I am wrong....

If we are trying to hunt as a duo is it worth submitting in the lotto for limited, since 54 and 55 are going to limited draw archery we are considering that. But what if only one of us gets drawn ... how does that work. Or since its two of us should we just go straight over the counter?

Should I be looking at units with more wilderness or more BLM.

I've been whitetail hunting since I was a kid, but a backpack elk hunt is completely new territory, any help is appreciated!

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Didn't know Colorado had a group application! Thanks for the info!

Also, for backpacking is there any big difference between wilderness vs blm?
Elevation mostly
As a general rule, the BLM is at lower elevation and the wilderness at higher? and does that translate into lower pressure and / or more animals in the wilderness? What are the ramifications for hunting exactly?

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What draws you to those units?
Maybe it doesn’t make since.. but I figured if they are changing those two units from over the counter to lottery there won’t be as many people. However in the past it could support OTC, so I would think we would have a lot of room to breath. Is this a silly thought process ?
Some info for ya, get in shape, and when you think your in shape run a 6 min mile, do heavy squats every other day. The west is no place for sissies. Elk are where you find them, and don't try and do it all in one day. Have a plan for when and if you get a elk on the ground, that is when the work begins. Enjoy every part of the trip, and be safe..
So my buddy and I are from Maryland. I have never been west of the Mississippi ;)

We have decided to drive out this year to Colorado for an OTC backpack archery hunt. Every time I think I have a game plan for unit selection I realize I am wrong....

If we are trying to hunt as a duo is it worth submitting in the lotto for limited, since 54 and 55 are going to limited draw archery we are considering that. But what if only one of us gets drawn ... how does that work. Or since its two of us should we just go straight over the counter?

Should I be looking at units with more wilderness or more BLM.

I've been whitetail hunting since I was a kid, but a backpack elk hunt is completely new territory, any help is appreciated!

You'll have to let us know how your hunt turns out. My son & I are planning the exact same hunt in 2020 (OTC). It'll be our first ever elk hunt.
Didn't know Colorado had a group application! Thanks for the info!

Also, for backpacking is there any big difference between wilderness vs blm?

You probably mean USFS land instead of BLM. Most of Colorado elk hunting will be in United States Forest Service land, a small portion of which might be wilderness. There are some BLM lands that hold elk but for the most part you would be on USFS. BLM are ‘generally’ lower altitude.
I was in the same boat in 2016 coming from PA never been west of Ohio. We went back in forth between units for a year trying to figure out which would be better. Finally we put about 10 in a hat, drew a unit and drove there lol. Did see some elk but never got to go full draw. My advise as ur first trip is to set ur expectations low and enjoy the mountains. Get out there, scout around take it in and then in ur future trips u can start dialing it in.

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