First archery hunt


Oct 24, 2021
Caldwell, ID
I decided to buy a bow this spring to open up my opportunities for chasing elk. Labor day weekend my buddy and I were out glassing, we found a huge bull 7x8 we're guessing 340" just a really nice bull. It was getting a little late in the day and the temperature was dropping, my buddy suggested backing out because the thermals weren't predictable. I insisted we continue on. We got about 100 yards away from him (go time) I tried working in on him as my buddy called behind me. Sure enough the wind swirled he bugled twice, rounded up his cows and got the heck out of dodge. It was exciting just to have an oppurtunity like that. My buddy had to go back to town so I was hunting solo. The next day I was watching that area like a hawk, that bull really got me excited. I glassed some cows up in that area right before dark and hoped they were the ones with that bull. The next day I got up early and got into a position that I could get to those cows quickly. I didn't see the cows in the morning but slowly worked my way over there throughout the day. The sun was getting lower and I didn't see any elk all day, so I decided to start heading back to camp glassing on my way. I was walking on the top of a ridge headed back to camp, I looked down and noticed something brown on a log. I pulled out my binos and it was a bear, instantly I got excited but had an internal debate "do I keep looking for my bull or go after this bear?" Well I kept looking at the bear and my decision was decided for me, a bigger bear came out. The first one I saw was a cub and this was his momma. I watched them for awhile and all of a sudden they started acting strange and started moving away. I kept watching them to figure out what was going on and then a little bit bigger bear came out of the brush. I thought "oh baby I bet that's a boar." I contemplated what I should do for about half a second before I heard a bull bugle. "Oh my gosh now what do I do?" Haha I have never had to make a decision like this before 2 animals I could try to go after. I decided I would cow call and see what happened. There was very little calling go on in this area so I thought "there's no way he will respond" and yup I was wrong. He bugled right back at me then I saw him in my binos 800 yards away and coming my way. I kept calling and springting down the hill towards him, I was trying to get in a better position. It was a lot of dead fall where I was and it didn't seem like a good spot. I worked down about 100 yards from where he was, I couldn't see him and he stopped calling so I had no idea if he was even there. I slowly crossed a small creek and climbed up a little ways to see what I could. There was the bull feeding 85 yards from me, it was a great bull a big 6 point probably 320 inches. I was really excited and tried to desperately cow call him in a little closer. Idk about you guys but I've never heard a desperate elk? Haha as I was watching him I could tell he was getting nervous and kept looking in the brush to the right of me. All of a sudden he takes off. Then a bear comes out of the brush,it was that bigger bear I suspected was a boar. Well I've never killed a bear before so I'm cool with switching this up into a bear hunt. I continue my desperate cow calls trying to get the bear to come in and he just kept walking, he didn't even look up. I got a little more desperate and decided to leave my cover and go after him. I tried for a little ways but gave up pretty quick. He was on a mission. I decided to switch back up to elk and tried to cut off that bull at a saddle. I crossed a creek and climbed up a little ways and here was that bear behind me at 60 yards. I had practiced at 60 yards and felt comfortable with the shot. I tried to stop him but he was still on a mission. He was moving slow enough I thought I could shoot him while he was walking. I decided to lead him a little ways and shot. I heard an oof, he rolled and took off." Heck yeah, I just shot my first bear and my first bow kill." I went over and looked for blood and found my arrow. There was almost no blood and my arrow only had about 4 inches of blood "it was a bad shot." I never really saw where the bear went but heard branches breaking up the hill from me, I ran up the hill looking in all the trees. I thought for sure he climbed a tree and didn't think he could be far. I sat down and all of sudden here he goes below me. I contoured the hill cow calling trying to get him to stop. He crossed a creek and as soon as he popped out of the brush I called and he looked back. I let an arrow fly, I missed and hit a log so he took off again. I was quick on his heels. He crossed another creek as soon as he came out I called, he stopped and I shot I missed again. "Dang it!" He was taking off and I kept calling trying to stop him. He wasn't stopping anymore. Haha he learned his lesson. Finally out of desperation I made a loud "oof" sound. If he didn't stop I wouldn't have any more oppurtunities on him and he'd be gone forever. He stopped at my sound and I aimed way over his back and let one fly. I heard another "oof" and he rolled once and didn't move a muscle. I decided to give him a minute and go look for my arrows and back pack. I ranged from my last shot to the bear it was 92 yards. I learned a very valuable lesson, slow down and range, you have more time than you think. I wish I would have made a better shot on him the first time but was super excited to have my first bear and first bow kill. By the time I got to him it was dark out, I took a few pictures and got to work. As a I was cutting him up I could hear a bull bugling, I'm guessing it was the same one I saw earlier.

He isn't giant but I am very happy with him. Thanks for reading my story. It is a lot better with hand gestures. Haha


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Where did your first shot hit him? Looks like a good bear.

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I decided to buy a bow this spring to open up my opportunities for chasing elk. Labor day weekend my buddy and I were out glassing, we found a huge bull 7x8 we're guessing 340" just a really nice bull. It was getting a little late in the day and the temperature was dropping, my buddy suggested backing out because the thermals weren't predictable. I insisted we continue on. We got about 100 yards away from him (go time) I tried working in on him as my buddy called behind me. Sure enough the wind swirled he bugled twice, rounded up his cows and got the heck out of dodge. It was exciting just to have an oppurtunity like that. My buddy had to go back to town so I was hunting solo. The next day I was watching that area like a hawk, that bull really got me excited. I glassed some cows up in that area right before dark and hoped they were the ones with that bull. The next day I got up early and got into a position that I could get to those cows quickly. I didn't see the cows in the morning but slowly worked my way over there throughout the day. The sun was getting lower and I didn't see any elk all day, so I decided to start heading back to camp glassing on my way. I was walking on the top of a ridge headed back to camp, I looked down and noticed something brown on a log. I pulled out my binos and it was a bear, instantly I got excited but had an internal debate "do I keep looking for my bull or go after this bear?" Well I kept looking at the bear and my decision was decided for me, a bigger bear came out. The first one I saw was a cub and this was his momma. I watched them for awhile and all of a sudden they started acting strange and started moving away. I kept watching them to figure out what was going on and then a little bit bigger bear came out of the brush. I thought "oh baby I bet that's a boar." I contemplated what I should do for about half a second before I heard a bull bugle. "Oh my gosh now what do I do?" Haha I have never had to make a decision like this before 2 animals I could try to go after. I decided I would cow call and see what happened. There was very little calling go on in this area so I thought "there's no way he will respond" and yup I was wrong. He bugled right back at me then I saw him in my binos 800 yards away and coming my way. I kept calling and springting down the hill towards him, I was trying to get in a better position. It was a lot of dead fall where I was and it didn't seem like a good spot. I worked down about 100 yards from where he was, I couldn't see him and he stopped calling so I had no idea if he was even there. I slowly crossed a small creek and climbed up a little ways to see what I could. There was the bull feeding 85 yards from me, it was a great bull a big 6 point probably 320 inches. I was really excited and tried to desperately cow call him in a little closer. Idk about you guys but I've never heard a desperate elk? Haha as I was watching him I could tell he was getting nervous and kept looking in the brush to the right of me. All of a sudden he takes off. Then a bear comes out of the brush,it was that bigger bear I suspected was a boar. Well I've never killed a bear before so I'm cool with switching this up into a bear hunt. I continue my desperate cow calls trying to get the bear to come in and he just kept walking, he didn't even look up. I got a little more desperate and decided to leave my cover and go after him. I tried for a little ways but gave up pretty quick. He was on a mission. I decided to switch back up to elk and tried to cut off that bull at a saddle. I crossed a creek and climbed up a little ways and here was that bear behind me at 60 yards. I had practiced at 60 yards and felt comfortable with the shot. I tried to stop him but he was still on a mission. He was moving slow enough I thought I could shoot him while he was walking. I decided to lead him a little ways and shot. I heard an oof, he rolled and took off." Heck yeah, I just shot my first bear and my first bow kill." I went over and looked for blood and found my arrow. There was almost no blood and my arrow only had about 4 inches of blood "it was a bad shot." I never really saw where the bear went but heard branches breaking up the hill from me, I ran up the hill looking in all the trees. I thought for sure he climbed a tree and didn't think he could be far. I sat down and all of sudden here he goes below me. I contoured the hill cow calling trying to get him to stop. He crossed a creek and as soon as he popped out of the brush I called and he looked back. I let an arrow fly, I missed and hit a log so he took off again. I was quick on his heels. He crossed another creek as soon as he came out I called, he stopped and I shot I missed again. "Dang it!" He was taking off and I kept calling trying to stop him. He wasn't stopping anymore. Haha he learned his lesson. Finally out of desperation I made a loud "oof" sound. If he didn't stop I wouldn't have any more oppurtunities on him and he'd be gone forever. He stopped at my sound and I aimed way over his back and let one fly. I heard another "oof" and he rolled once and didn't move a muscle. I decided to give him a minute and go look for my arrows and back pack. I ranged from my last shot to the bear it was 92 yards. I learned a very valuable lesson, slow down and range, you have more time than you think. I wish I would have made a better shot on him the first time but was super excited to have my first bear and first bow kill. By the time I got to him it was dark out, I took a few pictures and got to work. As a I was cutting him up I could hear a bull bugling, I'm guessing it was the same one I saw earlier.

He isn't giant but I am very happy with him. Thanks for reading my story. It is a lot better with hand gestures. Haha
Great Job. Look good to me
congrats on your first bow kill! nice bear, and bear is excellent eating when you use it right (canned, corned, roasts, ground, etc)

i assume you learned it's a bad idea to take a 60yd moving shot at anything... even 30yds, or 20yds. even a world class shooter with a lot of experience shooting animals with a bow, a 60yd moving shot is a desperate shot that should never be taken. i'm glad you got lucky and killed that bear, i have had a few scenarios over the years of learning those lessons without having to pay the consequences.

archery is a game of close calls, lots of scenarios with animals in chip shot range with no reasonable shot opportunity.... don't force shot opportunities, don't shoot in desperation, and use those close calls as learning experiences.

hope you catch up with one of those bulls this year!
congrats on your first bow kill! nice bear, and bear is excellent eating when you use it right (canned, corned, roasts, ground, etc)

i assume you learned it's a bad idea to take a 60yd moving shot at anything... even 30yds, or 20yds. even a world class shooter with a lot of experience shooting animals with a bow, a 60yd moving shot is a desperate shot that should never be taken. i'm glad you got lucky and killed that bear, i have had a few scenarios over the years of learning those lessons without having to pay the consequences.

archery is a game of close calls, lots of scenarios with animals in chip shot range with no reasonable shot opportunity.... don't force shot opportunities, don't shoot in desperation, and use those close calls as learning experiences.

hope you catch up with one of those bulls this year!
Thank you for your insight, i really appreciate it! I definitely did learn my lesson and I will do things differently next time. We have been enjoying the bear meat in lots of tacos!
Thank you for your insight, i really appreciate it! I definitely did learn my lesson and I will do things differently next time. We have been enjoying the bear meat in lots of tacos!
in the future, canned bear meat is amazing, and is a favorite game meat for anyone who tries it, and is handy to have around.... my favorite way to eat bear. it was my motivation to learn how to can.

any roast is good with bear too, they roast better than deer or elk (or beef for that matter) if you like corned beef, corned bear is easy to make and amazing too... bear Rueben is money! again, congrats and good luck this year!
in the future, canned bear meat is amazing, and is a favorite game meat for anyone who tries it, and is handy to have around.... my favorite way to eat bear. it was my motivation to learn how to can.

any roast is good with bear too, they roast better than deer or elk (or beef for that matter) if you like corned beef, corned bear is easy to make and amazing too... bear Rueben is money! again, congrats and good luck this year!
Where do you typically get your recipes? Most of the recipes I've found are for baking biscuits and what not.