Bummer run of luck you have had. Put an AED in your truck man.I've had some real bad luck (outcomes) in the first aid in the field area. The first was when I was shot while quail hunting - a nice load of lead #7's out of a 20ga at close range. Luckily it was a ricochet off the ground and only hit my lower legs and hands. I was 20 at the time. No first aid kit of course. And unfortunately the person with me wasn't able to drive stick so I had to drive out. It was a very long and bloody hour to the nearest hospital.
Next two were CPR incidents while dove hunting. Both happened in the parking lot after hunting. In both instances NO ONE present knew CPR (or was willing to help?) except me. Neither made it. It took over 25 minutes for the ambulance/paramedics to get there on the first one and the 2nd one was 15 minutes before help arrived. It's difficult to do effective CPR longer than ~10 minutes for most of us and I was exhausted both times. It was very sad both times as the family members (sons and grandsons) were present.
The next one happened while deer hunting. It was an accidental gun shot (negligent discharge?) by one of my hunting partners that took out the upper right lung of one of my other hunting partners. Despite 1st aid to stop the bleeding etc. he sadly did not survive. That was a very difficult time and I never in my life felt so helpless in the field.
Last one of note was a run of the mill finger slice/severed tendon. Easy first aid, a little surgery, and all is good.
Anyone up for a hunt with me?
No, I do not ever want to see you in the field.