Firenock 1.0 arrow concept build

Sep 28, 2018
Hate to build WTB in the thread title but I'm still playing around with arrow insert and point tip weight configurations because I ended this past archery season with 2 arrows. So I wanna make sure I'm getting it right before I jump all in

I like the aeroconcept builds by firenock but because I'm not sold on the system just yet, I don't want to buy a 12 pack of the inserts and 12 pack of the CTI's .. Seems like a silly thing to buy 12 packs(only option), use 3 of them, not really like the system, and then throw the remaining 9 inserts and tubes into the "misc parts" drawer

So does anyone have 3 of the stainless steel inserts(52g H or 63g L system) with matching 6" CTI's for .202-204" arrows (axis 5mm, BE rampage) they'd be willing to sell and ship to me?

The system overall seems pretty interesting and I'd like to throw a few of these arrows over my friends Labradar so I can compare them to my existing arrows that I think i want to loose this next season
Are you just using the concept system with no vanes? If so,, the concept system alone will not give you gyroscopic precession effect,, some benefit but you would be casting logs into the air. The relationship between Aero Vane and concept system is where it really clicks.

At the other other end of the arrow if only building with vanes , typically I find that AV2 vanes can offer some gains,, in cross bow I find about 2-3 inches higher POI and with the Av3 vane about the same or it can make the arrow worse especially pending how well the arrow is built because the faster spin rate of Av3.. That being said,, to put the vanes on you will need a Firenock jig which can be in the $400 range..

Additionally locating 1st dynamic bend also becomes a key factor. If you do not locate 1`st dynamic bend and you put the arrow together accuracy can suffer and than unknowingly a shooter can become mad at the parts vs lack of process.

IMO , Best to get arrows built to really be able to see if it is worth it or not first round. Then if you decide to build the arrows on your own you will have better idea as to what to expect.
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